Don’t know if this is the intended reference, but this pretty much perfectly describes why we use the Polygraph. As covered (and better explained than I can myself) on Adam Ruins Everything
👀 lookin’ at you, alpha=.05
I feel this in my bones as an anthropologist when it comes to semi-structured interviews, which frankly have very little to do with anthropological inquiry but have nonetheless become a rote methodology.
The history of IQ-tests…
It makes me wonder if we can create AIs that behave close enough to humans by adding an additional neurological baseline noise to the LLM training. Then throwing it in simulations to see whether social sciences might work. I’d be curious to see how true to life something like that would be as well.
A while ago, some researchers designed a game where chatGPT was assigned to characters and told to act and live like humans. It was interesting to watch.
Oof, ouch, right in the psychology degree :(