Seems to have all sides covered to prevent rolling away, anything more is just fluff.
“It works and I know enough to say I could finish it if I want to, so I’m done here. On to the next thing!”
deleted by creator
Pigeons are notoriously bad at building nests, because they don’t have to good like other birds.they are descendants of Rock Doves (kewl name for a band) and like their ancestors the just need a flat surface and are use to dealing with meager building materials. They use what they have for a “good enough for me” nest and pigeons being almost everywhere in the world means their nests do just fine.
These birds are known for being terrible nest makers. But maybe you’re on to something, maybe they don’t realize they’re pregnant until it’s too late.
Nope. If you look it up there’s serveral instances of rock pigeons making “nests” like this, it’s legitimately just a thing they do specifically.
It’s unfair to call them shitty, rock pigeons make nests on flat, stable surfaces, and are tended to by both parents in shifts, so all the nest needs to do is prevent the egg from rolling away when they get up. The nests are perfectly suited to purpose, it’s us humans who are imposing unfair beauty standards for what a nest “should” be.
“oh shit, this egg is coming NOW and I didn’t make a nest. Better rush one!”
Nest, by IKEA.