My dad told me a story once.
When he was young (1950’s), he and his dad were spraying a field in the Mississippi Delta. He decided to get off the tractor to walk around and try to catch some toads. He eventually got tired and found some flowers, picked them and laid down to take a nap holding the flowers over his belly. At the end of the day his dad started looking for him. After a while his dad found him, laying in the field with flowers over his belly. He though he was dead.
Straight out of Tom Sawyer lmao
The mole people had a funeral for him?
Out standing in his field.
You might say he’s… an outlier. (Puts on sunglasses)
Why did they walk to the middle of the field? Are they checking the onions?
He wants to be one with the onions. One-ions?
So how would you know from a distance of they were just napping or having a heat stroke?
Probably if he’s laying over a row of crops instead of deliberately orienting himself
I think he’s laying over a row of crops in the photo.
What is a GPA?
Grade Point Average. Mine was a 3.9 in high school and a 4.0 in college. I’m so much smarter than most people on this site. 😎
Thank you! There was a time when I knew this, but I forgot.