Ive been runing Debian 12 (kde) since bookworm was released and am loving it.
I have recently discovered Devuan which seems to be Debian without systemd - what is the benefit of removing this init system?
None. The opposition to systemd is highly irrational.
Short version: some people (I’m one of them) object to systemd on grounds that are 75% philosophical and 25% the kind of tech detail that’s more of a matter of taste than anything else. The older sysV init is a smaller program, which means that it has a smaller absolute number of bugs than systemd but also does less on its own. Some of us regard “does less” as a feature rather than a bug.
If systemd works for you and you don’t know or care about the philosophical side of the argument, there is probably no benefit for you in switching.
I’m more bothered by the very concept of an integrated supervision suite (running as PID 1 and managing services in runtime). And with the feature creep (not-invented-here syndrome despite being mostly worse on all metrics), the following heavy binding of applications to it’s services and that it can’t coexist, because of that, with any other init/service manager in a repo without an uncount number of wrapper scripts (some distros tried).
taking a breath Which is why we must have specialized not-systemd distros instead of Choose-your-iso-with-bootloader-X-and-Desktop-Y distros, like Artix does (a not-systemd distro).
The attitude of the devs to technical issues and even security holes is another issue. Systemd is really bad software in that regard.
I basically lump everything you’ve listed under “philosophy”—poorly chosen design goals and no one at the project doing anything about dev behaviour are not technical flaws per se, as the software is functioning as intended and expected.
systemd and init+OpenRC can exist together in the same repository, though—it just means that the repository also needs to contain both init scripts and service files, both of which are trivially small.
As a Gentoo user since 2005, I’ve been able to watch the entire debacle as it’s progressed, and the various efforts required to keep udev and friends working separately from systemd. (Currently, there are 7 Gentoo packages on the “absolutely requires systemd” list—6 optional daemons that I don’t perceive as being very useful, although maybe it’s just me, and one library that I’ve never heard of in any other context. So what’s being done to keep it from taking over is working.)
Back when systemd was a hot topic I jumped on the bandwagon of using systemd-less distros just because people were telling me how bad it was. To this day I still use openrc but the reality is that systemd works very well and is easy to understand and use. The average user gains no benefit to using another init besides having a better understanding of how the system works.
Well and a faster boot time but it’s definitely a learning curve and not really worth it unless you want to try a Distro that ships something else by default (E.g. Alpine).
You should embrace systemd. It’s actually good. Replaces all startup scripts, logs to a common log, even has scheduled systemd jobs just like cron but better, since they can have proper dependencies. Want to run something right after network stack is up and working? Easy with systemd, more difficult with cron and more hacky.
I don’t personally like SystemD, but Devuan sucks. They advertise “init freedom”, but in reality all of the scripts by default are just sysV init scripts that runit and openrc can’t control.
It may speed up your boot time, at least it happened to me on Void (maybe the reason is how minimal this distro is though). I personally prefer runit over systemd in how it handles services, but honestly you most probably won’t notice a much difference - definetely not worth reinstalling whole system.
Not to mention runit is a few thousand lines of code, systemd is 1.5 million plus. From a theoretical standpoint it’s an extra massive attack surface.
SystemD replaced a variety of Linux init systems across different distros almost 10 years ago now but it is still resented by a significant and vocal section of the Linux community.
Realistically, at this point, non-SystemD distros are of niche interest. Devuan is one of the distros available in that niche
SystemD replaced a variety of Linux init systems across different distros almost 10 years ago now but it is still resented by a significant and vocal section of the Linux community.
No, it is not. It is always the same few people that repeat the same slogans that failed to convince anyone ten years ago. But that does not really matter: In open source the system that can captures developer mind share wins. Systemd did, nothing else came even close.
what you just wrote doesn’t seem to contradict what you quoted in any way. even if there haven’t been any people in the past decade who decided they prefer avoiding systemd (unlikely), there’s still that vocal minority of linux users that you yourself acknowledge, so idk why you’re posturing like you’re in a disagreement?
edit: a typo
There is no significant section. It is just a few people telling each other the same old conspiracy stories over and over again.
ooh, conspiracy stories? do tell, if you’d like. i’ve never seen conspiracy stuff in this debate, but conspiracy theories are a cognitive failure mode that fascinate me.
My problem with systemd is that since I’m practically forced to use it that it’s flakey in starting services after boot (independent of service and distro). Since systemd I had to install monit to check if all services came up. Didn’t had that problem before. Or I forgot, it’s been a while…
Don’t worry about the downvotes, Lemmy is a systemd sausage fest. If you want negative “karma”, just write “systemd bad” or even “pulseausio bad” anywhere, and wait…
Lol. Thanks. I really don’t care. I’m running linux servers professionally since the late 90s, which means I have seen one or the other WTF. And systemd had quit some of them, especially flooding log files and race conditions. For example see https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/7293. That took more than 2 years to fix. And if people like to downvote my personal experience with it they are welcome to do so. I mean all I did was answering a question why one might use a systemd free distribution. Oh and for the downvoters: SYSTEMD IS MICROSOFTS ATTEMPT TO KILL LINUX! Poettering always was their agent. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lennart_Poettering 😉
There are some security, privacy and stability advantages of other init systems over systemd. But for most people systemd should be fine.
See here for further info:
https://nosystemd.org/Also getting encrypted dns to work with systemd is pretty tough and unreliable in my experience (with debian and opensuse). See here https://github.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-proxy/wiki/Installation-linux
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