Stop accepting ads in your life, ffs. What is it with people and steadfastly refusing to install an adblock? Are you stupid?
I don’t care. I’m not worried about it. It’s not that important. I’m not refusing, I’m just not giving two fucks about it. Why are you so militant about people doing the same thing as you do?
This does not come across the way you think it does.
Sometimes it’s the TV, and then I blame Jesus for stalking.
jesus sus, man
Given all my adblockers, getting ads at all is what scares me
Yesterday my ublock failed me and I had to watch a full 5 seconds of ads for 3 times! Fortunately it seems to work after updating filters now
No ads
Fuck, forgot to seal the kilograms of coke in my luggage.
I haven’t seen ads in years lol. I’m very aggressively adblocked on every layer possible. Even down to setting my router to use an adblocker dns as a final protection layer.
Wait, did we go from being freaked out that our devices might be passively recording our speech to accepting it as the “good and normal” version of things? Cause I’m pretty alarmed at both.
You know these algorithms are designed for predictive advertisement based off your previous activity. What is likely going on is this:
10,000 users who searched these terms also decided to search or want this “thing” next.
“Woah, it’s reading my mind! How did it know I was thinking about that?!”
It’s funny, nobody pays attention when the algorithm guesses wrong, we only notice it when it’s freakishly accurate.
Except when it’s YouTube recommendations, then they only pay attention when it’s wrong and not when it’s right.
What, you don’t want right wing misinformation shoved down your throat constantly despite reporting it every time you see it?
As if YouTube would ever get it right.
And that makes it better?
Understanding what is real is the first step to controlling what controls you
Don’t worry, those big platforms can read your thoughts. Those ads aren’t there because you thought of those things.
Because it’s the other way around. They want you to buy the stuff they have ads for so they manipulate you thinking about those things first.
So they have read AND write access to your thoughts.
You guys get ads?
mobile phones man
I’ve got ublock origin in firefox on my phone. Pihole also helps. So I ask again: you guys get ads?
just get some good
drugsthought encryptionGetting doored while out riding, then falling into the road and getting run over by a garbage truck.
I ride my bike a lot. Somebody getting out of the back seat of a 4 door with out looking is a huge danger.
That doesn’t scare me, because I know full well that neuroscience is nowhere near advanced enough to read minds.
When that day comes, however…
Neuroscience, not yet. Data science absolutely is though.
Google basically uses the same tricks “mind readers” do except they have a lot more information. They don’t need to read your thoughts or listen in to your conversations. If you start looking at cribs online they’re going to send you ads breast pumps in a few months followed by baby food makers 6 months later.