How does taking away benches not violate the ADA? Don’t pregnant women, the elderly and disabled people need them?
i dont disagree this is horrendous. In the UK Tescos put spikes outside their haymarket store windows for the same reasons. They dont want their customers or tourists to see people getting a free ride in their doorways in winter
This has been reposted so many times over the years, did they ever end up replacing those benches?
They were reinstalled days later after the backlash. Their spokesperson was spewing all kinds of BS. “The tweet was a mistake” “the benches were unsanitary” etc. I’m not sure if these are the same as the benches before before it looks like they’d be hard to lie down on anyway.
Yep that’s an anti homeless bench if I’ve ever seen one.
When it was never about the pregnant or elderly but virtue signalling
What do you think virtue signalling means?
Trying to show off you’re a good character without actually meaning what you’re saying
I’m failing to see how that relates back to either the original post’s photo or even the top of this comment chain.
Yeah… that’s completely fucked. What world are we in right now, holy shit
That would appear to be modern America
Definitely an American thing. Can confirm. Am American and not proud of this shit. It’s disgusting the way our homeless are treated.
Then why not let them into your home?
Probably because there are thousands of homes sitting empty with ridiculous price tags due to corporate landlords buying every available property and hiking prices by creating artificial scarcity?
Or we could invest in the social programs that prevent homelessness from happening to begin which will slowly reduce the homeless population in and of itself.
Go nuts, be the change.
Suburban comments on how horrible this is, try living around the homeless. 90% are mentally ill and wont take help or goto a shelter. But they will piss and shit all over your property. Steal anything not bolted down and assault you on a whim.
But yeah I should be more compassionate from the same people that never have to deal w/ this issue. I would love to see how long the homeless would last in the more affluent community.
Everybody in this thread apparently has never had to deal with the homeless. They’re an actual health hazard and hazard in general with many being violent or on drugs.
That’s exactly why you need to care for them instead of sweeping them under the rug until they’re no longer an inconvenience to you you miserable selfish git.
Please take them into your house then and get them off the streets
Thanks to evil socialism the problem is virtually non-existent where I’m from. Crazy what you can achieve if you don’t throw your veterans and diseased under the bus over corporate greed.
And where is that?
When did you stop beating your wife?