This is shameless self-promotion, but part of a working theory I have that Mastodon users have more to offer Lemmy than your average Reddit user. See my other post about it here:
TLDR: Mastodon users are inherently active posters and already understand federation. Also there are MILLIONS of them.
Please consider following if you’d like to get more Lemmy in your Mastodon feed or more Mastodon users in your Lemmy feed!
To get traction on mastodon you have to use hashtags. Here’s an example from a recent toot:
Looking for a place to discuss #ClimateAction? Consider checking out the new Lemmy instance dedicated to #Solarpunks organizing for a better world over at:
Those two hastags get about 500 combined posts per week, so there’s a good chance both have users following them.
In the meantime, here’s Mastodon’s Troy Saunders covering Lemmy’s Overkill.