Four Republican backbencher candidates who failed to qualify for the first 2024 GOP presidential debate this week slammed the Republican National Committee over its rules, with multiple contenders calling them “rigged.”
Elder … said he intended to file an emergency lawsuit to halt the debate from taking place. Businessman Perry Johnson, another GOP candidate, also said he intends to take legal action against the RNC.
I am wholly unclear on how there’s any grounds to litigate about the RNC running a debate. Political parties and their internal operations around how they run their own debates isn’t covered by any law, is it?
The party of calling elections rigged is facing complaints that their election process is rigged
Political parties exist for the sole purpose of rigging politics by disenfranchising the public. Their entire existence is a kind of corrupt, elitist caste system.
These organizations need to be treated the same way as corporations that get too big: they should forcibly split up. Force parties to form coalitions to get anything done, like in other parliamentary systems. Take away their corrupt levers - like FPTP voting (force RCV instead) and dark money, and return power to the people instead tolerating it in the hands of a couple private, invite-only cabals.
loud bitching from Republicans… in other news, water is also still wet…
the party of BITCHES for BITCHES
“This is B.S.,” conservative radio host Larry Elder complained in a video he shared online. “It is designed, in my opinion, to ensure that [Florida Gov.] Ron DeSantis is the nominee — anybody other than Donald Trump.”
Jesus Christ, even when attempting to be nominated, he has to make it about Trump. Like even when he feels he’s facing injustice, it’s not just that they’re screwing him over, but it’s all part of their master plan to ensure Trump isn’t somehow the nominee. Like what if you actually became runner up? Was your goal to capitulate to Trump automatically?
It really is hard to separate the Republican party from Trump at this point. For many, DeSantis’ biggest sin is that he isn’t Trump. Every action by active members seems to be to win Trump’s favor. Even DeSantis has to oil his feet despite being his political rival. The fact that Trump won’t be participating in the debates, yet will still likely be nominated shows how much he actually controls the Republican party.
Hanging Meme:
Republican can’t get into Presidential Debate - “This is outrageous! This is Bullshit! I’m going to sue!”
Smirking Libertarian looking sideways - “First time?”