Many voters supporting the former president also rated him as more truthful than their own friends and family
It’s because they are literal fascists.
Yeah, I’ve said it a bunch of times. Gonna keep saying it, because it’s true.
That woman in the front row is bugging me out…
She’s got “scary Bilbo” energy
Because he’s the only candidate who has expressly promises to make the lives of people they hate worse
Of course, that means their own lives will be worse, but they’re not smart
Despite Trump’s countless lies, 71 percent of Trump voters believe he is a source of “true” information, beating even their own friends and family, who ranked second with 63 percent.
We have a term for this in English. It’s called a cult.
It was always weird to me how cults worked even with people’s friends and family saying otherwise. But here it is.
It’s because he’s making himself out to be a martyr who is challenging a corrupt system, which is why “the system” doesn’t like him and is trying to steal what is rightfully his.
See? He’s the one fighting the true corruption!!
Honestly, anyone who still buys into this shit at this point is dead to me.
This is TDS just on the Trump side, complete morons, anyone who idolizes politicians is dumb as fuck
Look at that woman’s face….