And they wonder why millenials don’t have kids…
Plenty of of Generation X, too, don’t want/didn’t have kids.
Is the US still considered first world, or has it been recategorize as second world yet?
The no vacation nation.
A truly inhuman capitalist nightmare of a country.
Last time i had a discussion on R*ddit, someone kept defending their messed up heapthcare. I assume this falls into the same categoryx because at the end of the day…
…but taxes are lower!
Their argument was also that eceryone has insurance. 😂
About a third of the country has paid parental leave. We have it here in the west coast and I know most northeastern states also have it.
Here in Washington it is 16-18 weeks for women and 12 weeks for men.
I’ve lived in NH and Mass my whole life. As far as I’m aware the states both guarantee 12 weeks of unpaid leave. Your work can opt to pay (at a reduced weekly income) but they can also tell you to pound sand. And seeing as how many people live off week to week paychecks…