“Things I don’t understand make me scared!”
I remember when the anti GMO, anti pharma, anti vaxx nuts were the fringe of the fringe left and now they’re mainstream conservatism sigh
It’s the woo to Q pipeline.
In fact, there are vaccines against some cancer types. There’s a virus, which is responsible for almost all womb cancer cases. Here in Germany, the vaccine is free, if you’re under 20 iirc.
The HPV vaccine will pretty much make cirvical cancer a thing of the past too.
Papilloma virus👌
They found a 100% effective way to place microchips on our bodies within just 10 months? Damn, I didn’t know science had advanced that much.
we have been microchipping our pets for decades
They’re referring to the people that think Gates funded vaccine research as a spy program, like they don’t own Android phones.
Vaccines are typically meant to protect against viruses or bacteria. Cancer is neither of those. hiv is a virus but the political will to produce effective treatments was not always there. I think a lot of young people underestimate the homophobia that was pervasive not all that long ago and how it was tied to the aids epidemic.
There are some promising efforts for vaccines against cancer. It’s teaching your immune system to kill cells that were supposed to die on their own. It’s a relatively recent development, though.
Plus, as should always be stated with cancer treatments, there is no singular “cancer”. It’s a class of related problems that need to be handled individually. Vaccine against prostate cancer shouldn’t be expected to work against breast cancer. Anything that claims to cure cancer in a blanket way should be treated with great suspicion.
They’ve been working on a COVID vaccine since the SARS epidemic, but that fact won’t stop the stupid.
Also, cancer isn’t one disease but a whole class of diseases. And we actually do have vaccines that prevent certain forms of cancer, like the HPV vaccine.
They definitely think Bill Gates is Jewish.
He’s not. No Jewish ancestry and his current practice is a sort of casual Catholic thing, but he also thinks Dawkins is cool, so about what you’d expect. That’s from a quick Wiki check, but still.
Because if he’s on their poster…
An HIV vaccine is in human trials
The best thing for my family was that we were in St Jude with our daughter while the rest of the world lost their minds. I was able to speak directly to Infectious Disease doctors that had nothing to do with anything but researching for cancer patients. They had worked with the original doctors for the Covid vaccine, and how long it had been in development as we learned more about the disease. People were just going off ignorance. Just because you don’t know, doesn’t mean everyone else is trying to lie to you.
Ignorance appears to be like rabies in at least one way, once it rots enough of your brain you become fearful of anything and everything around you.
Both my parents didn’t want the vaccine because they were scared of side effects. Both of them have multiple chronic diseases . My dad lungs are basically dead from chaine smoking for 50+ years. They miraculously survived getting coronavirus twice…
Thank god cigarettes don’t have side effects 🙏
The extremelyinfuriating part: these people vote.
The vaccine had been in development for decades.
The gain-of-function lab COVID-19 escaped from was properly researching just that kind of thing.
This is the most believable vaccine conspiracy I have seen yet. Everything else is stupidly far fetched, but replacing with saline and getting everyone to get on with their lives is a lot more believable then anything else I have seem. I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened in some places in the world.