Probably not Forbes headline Linus would have wanted.
Needs more click bait.
Title: I did a bad
Description: just plugs for all his channels and sponsor and merch store. Fuck describing the video
Thumbnail: Linus soy face wide open with red arrow pointing to a 💩 emoji. There is a red circle around it.
Dude probably didn’t want a Forbes headline at all. I don’t think his personality holds up well to basic scrutiny for the public at large. If my dad for instance asks me about him he’s already lost.
Everyone you like will disappoint you someday. Fuck you Linus.
I think it’s sad. All of it. Linus projected an image of a friendly geek when the channel was smaller. The first cracks I saw in that image appeared after covid in which I assume the channel (just as the rest of youtube) grew extremely.
Since then I noticed „slip ups“ where he went edgy and kind of lost part of his friendliness. I assumed it was because he was overwhelmed with his job as ceo since that job takes a heavy toll. I know from experience.
But the fact that he (and his wife and the new ceo) didn’t do anything against the obvious transgressions that were carried out under his watch (against this vendor as well as former employees, some of which have posted on youtube) is his (their) responsibility.
It’s just sad to see them making the same mistakes (being careless in the wrong department) as others before them.
Crazy how much shit dropped on LTT simply from a gamer nexus video. It’s beautiful
It’s like Harvey Weinstein, people in the industry knew he was a slimy piece of shit for years but he wielded too much power and speaking out was the death of your career. So few did.
Once it was out in the public press, the floodgates of people coming forward with similar stories opened up.
Absolutely not. I’m not even sure rn he is an inherently bad person and not just a guy with a lot of shit on his back at his breaking point.
What does this have to do with technology?
The YouTube channel Linus Tech Tips is a very large part of the tech space, reviewing, and making videos about technology. This is actually bigger than that as it speaks to Linus media group, of which Linus tech tips is one of many tech related channels.