Top of the board is looking empty, let’s start a girl’s party with blue queen, green queen, and red queen to c8, e8 and f8 respectively.
I’m bringing popcorn to this girls party!
Black game pieces change styles to another chess set in order to confuse their enemy
Unicorn turns all pawns into queens
Pawns, becoming increasingly bored, move to the center of the board for a game of flag football.
Black’s pawns form a union, all now wear navy uniforms
/uj It’s a piece in 3d chess that can move along “space diagonals”, meaning it travels through the corners of a cubic space/square. Wiki link
Suddenly enamored with the newly gay unicorn the black horsey starts a Romeo and Juliet subplot with the unicorn
Black sinks white’s battleship
Horsey now is too OP, pls nerf
eat horse.
shish-kebab the white pawns
Does horse on top of pawn = centaur?
Black rook buys Ferrari and picks up gay horsey
All the pawns unite and fight the rest