I wanna be a femboy but I don’t want to use chromium. I guess I’m just a furry with Firefox
Aren’t all firefox users secretly a furry?
Some secretly, others not so secretly :3
Secretly? It’s no secret that the IT-community loves Firefox since it’s the best browser. Sauce
yes (im a furry)
Can I perhaps interest you in being the best of both worlds: a femboy fox? :3
can I interest you with learning Rust-lang and installing linux?
already running Pop as my daily driver :3
may i interest you in my favorite theme? (it is animated)
https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/duck-dance/?utm_source=addons.mozilla.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=searchI’d use opera gx if it wasn’t spyware but for now im also stuck with firefox =3
My hero
I don’t care who Opera sends, I am not downloading their browser
deleted by creator
Been looking to nab that for comments - thanks!
le epic and quirky relatable spyware
Fuck Opera, all my homies use Firefox
Stop trying to make Opera look based.
The only cool thing about Opera was how when you used Opera Mini on a phone with a physical keyboard you could move a cursor around the screen using the arrow keys
Imagine using chromium. Couldn’t be me. This post made by Firefox gang😎
Please don’t promote Chromium in disguise, owned by a shady company
“imma use the browser I saw some people advertise to me and because I’m a gemer. Also it has a VPN, so it secur”
Chinese Spyware go brrr
spyware is spyware, the Chinese won’t do anything the Americans aren’t already doing when it comes to surveillance
all these comments about spyware are true but it should also be mentioned that’s not the only thing they’re guilty of opera also runs a predatory loans app in poorer countries opera are absolute scum in every way they are not le quirky they’re just business people marketing to you
Fuck Opera GX. Chromium Spyware with CCP backing.
Use Firefox you plebs
Ew, brand
Femboys are way too based to be using "O"p*ra "G"X