I see a white pawn and I want to paint it black
No white knights anymore I want them to turn black
Hey cool your program is Juneteenth aware.
Don’t forget to program in en passant!
Skill issue
Outstanding move!
There is no escape from this community. In the year 2620, when the first entanglements of the interplanetary quantum fediverse occur, the scientists waiting for the start of a new era with bated breath will have the following message passed directly to their visual cortices:
google en passant
holy hell
Quantum Inferno
meet the spy
How did you manage to move twice on your first move?
It’s the computer turn and it decided to play one of the white pieces and then paint it black (since op is coding it and I assume it’s not finished), I guess.
Is this like serious? Like wtf?? I came over from reddit because SJWs have taken over and here I find the same bullshit again?
If you’re born black, you’re black and if you’re born white, you’re white. That are the two options. Colors are real and not only social constructs or what ever. Grow up!
Sir, this is a chess meme.
That’s some John Carpenter level shit
All your pawn are belong to us.