Would Hawaii live in peace and prosperity if it were suddenly its own independent state?
They did before they were conquered. Why is that so hard to imagine now?
Hawaii was annexed in 1898. So, why dredge up anger at the conquest over 100 years later?
First of all, that’s not at all a reasonable reply to my comment. Second, how the hell do you have the gall to openly post this fascist garbage for all the world to see?
they voted to become a state in 1959, with a 93%+ majority. how is that “fascist” just because you disagree with it?
Hawaii—a U.S. territory since 1898—became the 50th state in August, 1959, following a referendum in Hawaii in which more than 93% of the voters approved the proposition that the territory should be admitted as a state.
There were many Hawaiian petitions for statehood during the first half of the 20th century. The voters wished to participate directly in electing their own governor and to have a full voice in national debates and elections that affected their lives. The voters also felt that statehood was warranted because they had demonstrated their loyalty—no matter what their ethnic background—to the U.S. to the fullest extent during World War II.
On June 27, 1959, a referendum asked residents of Hawaiʻi to vote on the statehood bill; 94.3% voted in favor of statehood and 5.7% opposed it. The referendum asked voters to choose between accepting the Act and remaining a U.S. territory. The United Nations’ Special Committee on Decolonization later removed Hawaiʻi from its list of non-self-governing territories.
Because you are saying it was 100 years ago, so your crimes no longer matter. The holocaust is coming up on 100 years ago now as well. I’m guessing that all the peoples murdered by the Nazis should just get over it and start loving the fascists now as well?
As for your garbage referendum, see my reply to your other post with this garbage.
Because you are saying it was 100 years ago, so your crimes no longer matter.
YOU are saying that, not me. keep your words out of my mouth.
The holocaust…
As for your garbage referendum
“I don’t like it, so I’m going to call it names!”
grow up
It would be up to the people who live there to figure out how to run things. This is certainly not an argument for US to continue occupying them.
how is it an “occupation” when Hawaiians themselves voted to become a state by a 94+% majority?
On June 27, 1959, a referendum asked residents of Hawaiʻi to vote on the statehood bill; 94.3% voted in favor of statehood and 5.7% opposed it. (source)
The choice was to become a state or remain a territory. Either yes or no would have had Hawaiian peoples occupied. Statehood could be seen as a regaining a scrap of self determination but all it ended up doing was impoverishing the natives and ceding all wealth to colonizing capitalists. This is a primarily function of bourgeois democracy.
by voting to become a state - especially to such an overwhelming majority - you can hardly argue a dispositive attitude towards the US being there or towards joining the union. so, not only have you moved the goalposts, you’re arguing a straw man and your own emotions.
I’m sticking with provable facts.
Once again they were given a choice between becoming a state or remaining a territory. Not for independence. It’d be like offering a scrap of bread to a starving man in exchange for the man legitimizing your ability to keep him malnourished.
The ole adage of "the only thing worse than being exploited is not being exploited " comes to mind.
Since you can’t be assed to read your own damn wiki article I assume you’re just in bad faith.
deleted by creator
If voting “yes” on a referendum to be annexed
inventing some history again are you? because this never happened. if you have to stoop this low to try to “score points” how much lower will you stoop?
deleted by creator
Should I kill you with my sword or with my gun?
Sorry, “I want to live” was not an option on the ballot
Should I kill you with my sword or with my gun?
Sorry, “I want to live” was not an option on the ballot
Referendum is literally: “Would you like to be a state or a territory? Independence is not an option.”
False dichotomy is when you point out that people might want something other than two shit binary choices.
from your own link
In 1897, over 21,000 Natives, representing the overwhelming majority of adult Hawaiians, signed anti-annexation petitions in one of the first examples of protest against the overthrow of Queen Liliʻuokalaniʻs government.[143] Nearly 100 years later, in 1993, 17,000 Hawaiians marched to demand access and control over Hawaiian trust lands and as part of the modern Hawaiian sovereignty movement.[144] Hawaiian trust land ownership and use is still widely contested as a consequence of annexation. According to scholar Winona LaDuke, as of 2015, 95% of Hawaiʻiʻs land was owned or controlled by just 82 landholders, including over 50% by federal and state governments, as well as the established sugar and pineapple companies.[144] The Thirty Meter Telescope is planned to be built on Hawaiian trust land, but has faced resistance as the project interferes with Kanaka indigeneity.[clarify][145]
If you think a referendum from 1959 fairly represents the interests of the native population then what else is there to say.
Person is in bad faith and worse, smug. Hhit em with a PPB.
If you think a referendum from 1959 fairly represents the interests of the native population then what else is there to say.
that it does, and you have failed to prove otherwise despite quoting a block f text you clearly don’t understand— OR are intentionally misrepresenting, hoping everyone else here is too stupid to realize you’re trying to pull a fast one on them.
Fortunately, I’m not the idiot you think I am.
A referendum to either become a state or remain a territory is not relevant to the question of the occupation. People were never given a choice of independence, the referendum was regarding the conditions of occupation. Seems that you’re intentionally arguing in bad faith here.
Clearly you’re a much bigger idiot than I thought you were.
A referendum to either become a state or remain a territory is not relevant to the question of the occupation.
only because you’ve moved the goalposts when you couldn’t win that argument with facts.
People were never given a choice of independence
the people always ave that choice. they can protest, revolt, etc. Did the Bolsheviks just ask the Tsars to pretty please step aside?
Seems that you’re intentionally arguing in bad faith here.
I’m not the one ignoring facts, employing logical fallacies and hurling personal insults when I don’t “win” online arguments.
Clearly you’re a much bigger idiot than I thought you were.
can’t argue with facts, so playskool insults it is. classy. no wonder I see he molding full of you getting posts and comments removed, and you’re totally banned form lemmy.world.
also explains this post https://lemmy.ml/post/2756876
only because you’ve moved the goalposts when you couldn’t win that argument with facts.
I didn’t move any goal posts. I said Hawaii is an occupied territory, and you came back with BuT ThEy HaD a RefErEnduM. Forgetting to mention that the referendum wasn’t actually about independence and that the people of Hawaii were never given a choice of independence by their occupiers.
There is no false dichotomy here. It’s hilarious seeing your comment history where you communicate through memes like a 5 year old child.
the people always ave that choice. they can protest, revolt, etc. Did the Bolsheviks just ask the Tsars to pretty please step aside?
People in Hawaii are revolting against your regime as we speak.
The facts are that you made false claim and now you don’t even have the decency to admit it. No point having further discussion with a liar.
also explains this post https://lemmy.ml/post/2756876
love living rent free in your collective heads
True, just clarifying the best case scenario. Did the Hawaiian people recently vote to leave the union that I am unaware of?
When did they vote to join? They fought pretty hard to keep their rightfully elected government.
in 1959, with a 93%+ majority:
Hawaii—a U.S. territory since 1898—became the 50th state in August, 1959, following a referendum in Hawaii in which more than 93% of the voters approved the proposition that the territory should be admitted as a state.
There were many Hawaiian petitions for statehood during the first half of the 20th century. The voters wished to participate directly in electing their own governor and to have a full voice in national debates and elections that affected their lives. The voters also felt that statehood was warranted because they had demonstrated their loyalty—no matter what their ethnic background—to the U.S. to the fullest extent during World War II.
On June 27, 1959, a referendum asked residents of Hawaiʻi to vote on the statehood bill; 94.3% voted in favor of statehood and 5.7% opposed it. The referendum asked voters to choose between accepting the Act and remaining a U.S. territory. The United Nations’ Special Committee on Decolonization later removed Hawaiʻi from its list of non-self-governing territories.
I think it’s more than a little dishonest to say that the native Hawaiians voted for this. At the time of this referendum, they composed about 15% of the population and their culture and identity had been suppressed for generations.
The US government even admitted in 1993 that the native people never agreed to this.
I think it’s more than a little dishonest to say that the native Hawaiians voted for this.
almost as dishonest as claiming is said something I didn’t and then moving the goalposts to win an argument…
At the time of this referendum, they composed about 15% of the population and their culture and identity had been suppressed for generations.
irrelevant. sad, but irrelevant. thy got to vote, just like anyone else, and, even by your numbers, 2/3 of THAT population voted for statehood.
The US government even admitted in 1993 that the native people never agreed to this.
that’s not what that says, but it’s nice to know how easy it is for you to lie to try to get ahead in an argument. “winning” online debates must be very important for you.
Swarming lands with your settlers and then claiming b-but they muh voted for it, is peak lib cracker imperialism. The french did the same in New Caledonia.
93% of natives or all inhabitants?
Hawaii is a victim of colonialism to this day. The sovereignty of hawaii was illegally stolen. Every day natives of hawaii are priced out of their own homes by their alleged fellow citizens. A genocide beneath the very fingers that so like to point towards other nations.
The US is still bitter that Hawaii was more advanced than the United States of Backwards way back when.