A minute of silence for the DE designer, writer, artist and devs that were discarded after the game got popular. 😑
Yep…that entire situation is so crappy. The devs deserved better.
I mean yeah, I feel bad but he was kinda hard to work with and other devs didn’t like him but what the company did was scummy.
What is DE designer and what did I miss about them being discarded?
Classic gaming industry IP theft. Investors underhandedly forced the founders/developers out of their own company and stole the IP.
How do you “steal” an IP?
Guy comes into the company and uses illegal, fraudulent methods to take it over. He then demoted the co-owners (and founders) to mere “employees” so they could be fired. The plan was to then sell the company to a big publisher and walk away with all the money.
Ok… But I still not quite get how you take the company over with il·legal, fraudulent methods.
There’s a bunch of articles and videos that go over how it happened. It’s not too different from what happened to Interplay back in the day. Here’s one overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7Xu4GvpN9U
Bought the company/ip then didn’t keep original owners on
Thanks for saying it. I was going to bring it up, but I wasn’t clear on all the details.
A half life game in 3rd??? I’m sure we all know what that confirms!
Half-Life 2 Episode 3!
I should get around to playing Disco Elysium one of these days
I should try to complete my current playthough. xD
I passed up the latest Humble Monthly because I know I’ll never get around to playing it.
I didn’t realize that Disco Elysium was up there, what a happy surprise. Absolute masterpiece.
I’m conflicted by this, I struggled to like Disco.
It’s okay to dislike things other people like. And ultimately Metacritic ranking doesn’t mean shit anyway.
My biggest problem with DE was that I was raised on adventure games like Monkey Island and Quest For Glory. Where you weren’t really role playing, but instead clicking through every dialog option just to see what happens. DE isn’t a game like that. Instead it felt like you’re supposed to choose only the dialog that your character would say, and not necessarily go through every single option. The difference between the classic point and click adventure games just doesn’t quite sit right with me for some reason, so I could never quite get into it.
From what I saw, it seems like a really cool game. It just wasn’t 100% for me.
Yes, that’s why it’s called an RPG, which is closer to that.
To me, it felt like an old Sierra Game. With the time mechanic and the possibilities to “ruin your build”, due to wrong dialogue choices… plus the possibility to die due to “wrong” dialogue choices - while playing a character that is a broken person anyway.
That was just stressful, tedious and not fun (to me).I also hate the fact that I couldn’t get a refund for the game. However, knowing that I still don’t have to play it, feels bizzarly good.
Thank you. I never understood why DE felt so tedious to the point that I was happy and relieved the character got killed by the union workers’ leader (which is very early in the game). But now reading your comment, I finally realise the issue.
I am used to Ace attorney style narratives where I can explore all dialogue options and move on. DE felt tedious because I couldn’t go back after a choice and there are so many of them.
Yeah Ace Attorney is another great example. After playing hundreds of games where you just choose all the dialog options and laugh at the responses, it’s a bit jarring to play a game where you need to read and pay attention to the dialogue and react in character.
You nailed exactly how I feel 💯
DE is a great game, just don’t be trapped by the genre. It’s a combat-less RPG, basically. You still RP a character, which conveniently starts with amnesia so you can slot in and RP.
It bums me out that GTAV is anywhere near the top 10, but otherwise I am so happy to see the Top 2 slots going to deep, reactive, old-school-style CRPGs.
To me V was worse than IV and IV was worse than Sleeping Dogs
More people should play Sleeping Dogs. What a fun and enjoyable romp.
If a man doesnt eat whole buns, he’s not a whole man
Baldur’s Gate 3 > Tears of the Kingdom
Two different games, two different genres. Both critically acclaimed, not available on the same platforms. In fact one isn’t even available for PC, so why are you posting this comment here?
Heh. “Available”. 😶
Not available on PC? Tell that to Yuzu
You know what I mean.
Having played though BG3 a total of 4 times now, it’s way too highly rated. It’s an 80 at best.
Planescape Torment is far better.
This is like seeing a negative steam review with 1.2k hours of playtime.
PS:T is good though, no guff there.
Well 58 hours and the game is 100% completed.
4 times?? Am I just slow? I am still on my first play through and I got the game release weekend…
I was one of the 350 that beat the game in the opening weekend. Just really good at this type of game and had a week off.
If you are taking your time and completing every quest then you can easily get 30 hours out of a play though.
Oh wait, what, 30 hours? It’s not a 100 hour Larian RPG? This might change my stance on it.
Currently 65~ hours into my first playthrough. Being a completionist help, but that dude has to be smoking crack and be a pro level speedrunner to have completed it four times with anything more than the most bulldoze through the plot approach.
Definitely not a pro speed runner. This guy’s are being the game in 10 minutes with only one small glitch near the end.
Also you can’t do a true completions run as aspects of the game are locked off once you progress down a path.
Cope, you’re just slow or bad at the game.
You can replay it for 100 hours if you make the same choices over and over, sure.
Right now the game is heavily dependant on the modding scene, which is pretty weak.
The modding scene of a week old game?!?
The game is 3 years old. All of the early access mods have already been ported over to full release.
My wife and I barely got through our first one and that took us 45 hours alone. I don’t think we’d have a hard time milking it for another 100.
Ah that makes sense, I could see experienced players being able to run through the content easily.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is only my second experience with the real time cRPG genre, so I’m definitely in awe of all the other players min-maxing their stats and abilities like it’s nothing lol. I’m having a lot of fun though!