If Neuralink can prove its device is safe in humans, it would still potentially take more than a decade for the start-up to secure commercial use approval
As someone who likes the idea of transhumanism:
I’ma fuckin’ pass, dog.
Dude cant even get the software on teslas to work right and we are going to trust him with brain implants? Lol
Look how it went for monkey test subjects. 😳
They were going to ask for volunteers from Musk’s legions of loyal fans, but then they realised the subjects needed to have brains.
Just finished my first cuppa and had a nice and literal lol. Thanks for starting my day right!
And what company would you currently trust to make brain implants?
I believe the answer to that one to be “fucking not a-one”, but that’s just an educated guess of course.
I just love the assumption that we have to have brain implants (why? Because L. Ron Musk said so?)
I think it’s the sci-fi fantasy of it. Like being able to download knowledge like the matrix.
In reality the real use of these is to help people with brain injuries or disabilities.
Elno wants to grift people on the former. Literally everything he does is selling people the knock off wish version of something from a sci-fi movie/book/game.
Musk aside, BCI will be a significant part of human lives in the distant future, they will initially aid existing tech but as the technology advances I can forsee a black mirror-esque future with our brains having a digital component.
or you know like from the 1st Kingsman movie
I can’t help but think brain implants are an inherently bad idea.
Yeah same here, I’m much more curious about Valve’s foray into BCIs. GabeN mentioned in an interview a few years ago that they’re closer than we think and I want to know what he’s cooking up.
Finally, Mecha GabeN is near.
Immortal Mecha GabeN is the solution against enshittification in gaming.
Whatever it is, it’ll probably start with “wake up Mr. Freeman”
Yeah same.
Just hope Musk won’t ruin people’s perception for this or similar kind of tech.
If he wants to get in front of the line then he’s welcome to.
Do you want a super villain? Because that’s how we get super villains.
It’s way, way more likely to kill him.
I’m willing to take that risk.
Or vegetables.
Super easy to just, forget to install the firmware…
I’mma call it right here, shot will go south, quickly, people will end up in prison, and Musk will somehow not be one of them.
i give it max a year or two after the first implant before we read about trials starting in the headlines.
So you expect trials after the trial?
I mean, it didn’t go well for the monkeys. Maybe if they are fucking people up, someone will stop them, but I doubt it.
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I’m pretty sure everything you need to understand the answer to your questions can be summed up in two words. Elon Musk.
When I look at what he’s done to Twitter, I definitely think ‘yeah I want this dude’s chip in my head!’
Exactly what we need, billionaires tinkering with brain chips. I‘d rather die than have anything from Musk in my head, bad enough the knowledge of his existence is in there.
I’m neurodivergent and I would love a chip to help with that, but this company decided it’s leader is Musk and I don’t trust him. He used to be a hero in my eyes until the Twitter fiasco. Then I saw him for what he was.
So you liked him when he agreed with your politics, and now that he took away your safe space to shit on certain demographics scot-free suddenly he’s bad.
I liked him when he wasn’t hateful towards trans people. I liked him when he wasn’t pushing an agenda of intolerance. Btw… what demographic is it that I supposedly shit on?
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You should touch grass. That’s a lot of assumptions for someone you don’t know at all. I suggest you chill out and stop reading into people based on culture war bullshit. Also, what is a TOS pass?
Lol from the person bringing up culture war talking points like MUH TWANNSSSS. Also, a TOS-pass is used to describe when the TOS does not apply to you. You’re basically free to violate TOS without repercussions which is something I’d presume a Reddit refugee would be familiar with. Something I bet even you utilized on Reddit.
Yeah, I’m not feeding this troll anymore.
I’m banning this troll from my instance lol
Shut the fuck up, you are insane and no one care about your shit ass opinions. There, hope you learned something, tho that seems near impossible for you.
Someone’s angry. Have you tried stepping in front of a speeding train?
nah not angry just think you are braindead, and I like pissing off dipshits.
You can take the Redditor off of Reddit, but you can’t take the Reddit out of the Redditor. How long until you AHS shitheads start spamming CSEM to instances you don’t like to get their hosting provider to take them down?
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Where are all those people who were worried vaccines had chips in them? Now this guy is literally saying he’s going to chip you and nothing lol
Consistency is not a hallmark of conservatism; being a numpty is.
I don’t believe in the vaccine-chip nonsense, but I think there’s consistency there: it’s about informed consent. There’s a huge difference between being told by the government to take a vaccine that secretly has a chip in it, and Elon Musk offering chips for sale. If you choose to buy Musk’s chip, you’re doing so voluntarily and you know that you are getting a chip.
Plus, how many of the tinfoil hats are cheering on Neuralink?
The difference is that the vaccine physically can’t have a chip. It’s impossible for that level of technology to be injected into muscle through a needle.
Yeah there are numerous reasons why the conspiracy theory doesn’t hold.
But that’s besides the point. Let’s say they thought the vaccine secretly contained benzos in order to make the population more docile or whatever. That doesn’t mean they need to object to any use of the drug in order to be consistent. The problem would be that the government is secretly injecting the population for nefarious reasons, which would be a valid concern if there were any truth to it.
This is all you need to know from the article:
“On at least four occasions since 2019, Musk predicted that Neuralink would soon start human trials.”
How many times has he missed the mark on Tesla full self driving?
Mercedes Benz has approval in California for self driving. It has bigger level than Tesla … lol
The future we don’t want
What, you’re not looking forward to get a corp chip implanted into your brain by the world’s most infamous shitposter?
Looking forward to Musk retweeting some smooth brained right winger with “hmm it’s worth thinking about” directly into my neocortex.
Then being forced to think about the firehose of shit he puts out.
I played the first 10 minutes of Cyberpunk 2077’s corpo storyline, I’ll have to pass, thanks.
totally, dang…
He said a lot of things … He’s like Trump - full mouth of words but reality is always another thing
Full self driving just around the corner.
I’ve been hearing that one for thirty years.
given Tesla’s trackrecord, paraplegics beware!
obviously other ways get less coverage because it’s not as excitingly scifi as propping metal in your brain, but I think I would rather a CTRL-Labs armwrist even if it is owned by Facebook
if you’re excited about this kind of stuff I would recommend reading more about OpenBCI, or y’know, anything that already has results within moving things with a thought.
I would sooner look to VR (as soon as we get commercial batteries that can keep up) to be the replacement ‘second brain’ for a computer if we’re talking about the idea he once talked about accessing the internet from anywhereIf Neuralink can prove its device is safe in humans, it would still take several years, potentially more than a decade, for the start-up to secure commercial use clearance, experts earlier told Reuters. The company is also competing with other neurotech companies which have already implanted their devices in people.
like idk journalists should stop talking about Neuralink, all it does is risk stocks related to Musk go up, though this one is soberingly skeptical.
I’d rather live in a cave for the rest of my life than let CrazyElon brain chip me.
Let him test them on himself, maybe it can give him those extra braincells he’s missing.
Brain chips? What was wrong with potatoes?
This is completely dystopian.
As others have said, Elon should test this on himself before he tests it on others, if he’s really so confident in it.
It is inevitable that this will have negative health effects, and when that happens, Elon will just wipe his hands and say “not my problem”.
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