Bullshit. You were singing Amish Paradise and we all know it.
Am I the only one thinking how problematic that product is?
I guess ‘think of the children’ only comes up when governments want to ban end-to-end encryption or ask for ID when viewing porn, but everyone is dandy with addictive products advertisements targeted at children such as the one in the meme, gambling in video games, toy companies exploiting children, and more…
I’ve never seen a box of these actually marketed as candy cigarettes. They’re usually just candy sticks but it’s just something that kids always do regardless.
With that said over here there is no branding or marketing allowed on/of cigarettes, period. Nor are they allowed to be on display in any shop. So it’s not too surprising that they’re also not on candy. Cigarettes look like this here (content warning graphic smoking damage image):
graphic smoking damage image
Meanwhile in America
Dude I wish. Didn’t know what candy cigs were til I was on my 20s, and I learned that the chocolater sells fake chocolate joins. You bet your ass i was pretending to smoke that shit.
Chocolate joints? That’s genius! Not as good as the real deal tho
Unless the chocolate joints are edibles…
Now we’re talking. Edibles > anything else (imo)