vegan btw
Make your dreams come true! There are dozens of us Vegan couples! Dozens! The pool is small but someome tipping their toes in is ready to drag you under and not let go O_O
Is it cheaper to be vegan than being omnivorous?
It found that in high-income countries:
• Vegan diets were the most affordable and reduced food costs by up to one third.
• Vegetarian diets were a close second.
• Flexitarian diets with low amounts of meat and dairy reduced costs by 14%.
• By contrast, pescatarian diets increased costs by up to 2%.
Compared to meat eaters, results show that “true” vegetarians do indeed report lower food expenditures —(looking at the US)
Based on primary data (n = 1040) collected through an online survey, representative of the Portuguese population, through logistic regressions, it was possible to conclude that plant-based consumers, particularly vegan, are associated with lower food expenditures compared to omnivorous consumers. In fact, plant-based consumers are shown to spend less than all other consumers assessed
Good cheese is expensive, I can say that much
I mean I suppose things are cheaper if you cut out 85% of a normal diet and replace it all with vegetables.
Tbh meat in general is overpriced when eggs and dairy are perfect substitutes. I only ever eat meat when I’m traveling and need a quick option.
Vegan diets replace eggs and dairy with vegetables
Vegetarians exist.
What normal diet is 85% animal products ??? Even the SAD is not that high… I hope?
Bread, cheese/milk, meat, those are the big three. You’d be surprised how much you eat animal products in a standard diet.
Bread is not an animal product nor are most types of bread typically made with any animal products additives
No the big three are proteins, carbs and fat. Only proteins are animal based on omnivore diets. Therefore you just need to replace them.
Sorry, I meant big three as in the three big ones that involve animal products.
Depends on your region. Meat is never affordable from the supermarket and in-city but in areas with an active local fishing industry for an example, fish can be one of the most cost efficient sources of nutrients if you purchase them directly. Saved my life when I was going through poverty.
One should note that vegetarians exist and those tend to be (generally) more affordable due to having a bigger variety in choice while also cutting out the expensive meats. Also generally more accessible than a vegan lifestyle, is not suiting every person’s metabolism. I’m now a vegetarian purely because meat is unaffordable to me currently (I moved away so no more cheap fish)
eeeyyyyy baby. Want sum fuck?
Is that a reference to something? Feel like I saw a post like that but can’t remeber lol
Could be the ‘becky lemme smash’ vids with the Raven. There’s older origins but its probably from that.
Literally a dude hit me up with that once. That’s all I know.
Just since you’re looking for a vegan and it’s such a winning line hahahaha
I suppose that’s technically still a reference to something just a reference to something you experienced
haha got me I suppose?
And not their stupidity ? Ok ! 😌
there’s still time for you to delete this
Need to find myself a vegan to eat my meat 👈😉👈
Jokes aside, I do try to eat less meat and I think having a partner you can share that with makes that a lot easier.