deleted by creator
I volunteer to be a Roman soldier
I’m almost positive it’s a bit account.
Lol I love you guys but you fall for obvious satire way too easily
Mr. Teen Crypto 2015 would never deceive people like that
I meant to include a “not sure if satire” disclaimer on this one but forgor.
Taking a schlubby narcissistic white guy and turning him into a musclebound macho man is a page right out of Ben Garrison’s book, so I applaud the commitment to the bit.
I appreciate that it drew him nude. Now give him a tiny pecker to illustrate his need for constant attention.
While we’re substituting laughably worse replacements: Replace Chris Farley’s bus driver character with this sycophant
We are on the cusp of using technology to become living gods
No you’re not
Well not me personally, but the billionaire tech-bros are going to upload their consciousnesses to the internet WOOeee!
No they’re not
No…no they’re not…but you can imagine what it’d be like if they did