A California Superior Court judge arrested last week has now been charged with killing his wife in front of their adult son at their home. Court filings reveal the judge had over 47 weapons and 26,000 rounds of ammunition in his home.
Wife stopped him from committing suicide and he eventually killed her. This dude deserves to be strapped to a cannon so his chest can be blown out. I can’t imagine how their son feels finding out his dad is irredeemable trash who would execute his mother, and basically losing both parents in a night.
That’s so sad.
How many rounds of ammo he had is not really relevant (unless he used all 26000 rounds of ammo or was in the process of using them).
That he killed the wife in front of the kid… that is relevant.
“First things first, I just want to say the fact that the murderer had 47 guns and 26,000 rounds of ammunition sheds no light on his personality or the crime.”
If he regularly shot pictures of women or something sure but owning a lot of guns or buying ammo in bulk isn’t really any indication of domestic violence. The son even said there wasn’t a history of violence. It seems like the heavy drinking or arguments have more correlation than anything.
Media outlets often cite things like how many guns someone has to freak out people who don’t know about guns. All the dude needed to fuck up was a single handgun and a single bullet. If he was drunk he shouldn’t have even been carrying. And being drunk isn’t really a good argument for why someone got violent.
owning a lot of guns or buying ammo in bulk isn’t really any indication of domestic violence
Good thing there isn’t a known correlation between gun ownership and higher rates of domestic homicide, right? That would totally destroy your argument. How embarrassing that would be.
Correlation isn’t causation. Example, we all have drunk water. Everyone dies at some point. I found correlation that drinking water causes death 100% of the time.
The number of guns isn’t the issue, it’s what he’s choosing to do with them. There are legitimate reasons to own them that are not malicious. Gun collection for example. There are some wacky designs out there. Look up the forgotten weapons YouTube channel for examples.
A lot of domestic violence involving a gun doesn’t mean that most gun owners are abusive.
No one said “most gun owners”. You’re trying to shift the argument to something you have a chance with.
My original statement was that owning a lot of guns wasn’t suggestive of anything. The comment suggested there was a “correlation” with owning guns and domestic violence in response.
Or does it?
owns 47 guns, 26,000 rounds -> shoots wife
Never woulda seen that coming! Must be the booze!
When you’ve collected 47 hammers. All your problems begin to look like nails.
I suppose the guns hypnotized him and made him do it? He did it because he was a piece of shit.
@borkcorkedforks @MicroWave @andrewta @ivanafterall
So you’re explaining why most other nations who have gun laws have fewer gun deaths, right?
Violence was a thing before guns existed. If I got stabbed I’m not going to think, “Thank goodness I wasn’t shot.” I suppose I’ll have plenty of to think about it while waiting for the cops to show up though.
Cherry picking and a lack of controling for confounding variables is an issue when people try to make the claim you did. There is also a lot more going on than just gun laws. When normal people don’t benefit from our GDP it really isn’t a good benchmark for comparable countries. When people have a lack opportunities or lack social programs there will probably be some social problems.
Generic pro-gun trash.
Nobody is claiming the guns invented violence, they’re pointing out how guns turn emotions into murders faster, and with more lethality, that any other form of violence.
Then of course there’s the usual “I will only consider the idea of not selling guns to deeply and blatantly damaged people after you cure every single person in America of every currently incurable mental health issue and build a perfect utopia of equality and free hugs”.
But I’ve got an even better idea: we could just ignore what the gun lobby and pro-gun crowd wants and address things now, without their rubber stamp of approval.
I recall some recent study that said most mass shooters follow a predictable pattern of buying guns, then amassing guns and ammo.
Nobody needs 26,000 rounds. There is no problem that any American can legitimately solve with 26,000 rounds. It’s a threat to everyone.
If you are a hobbyist shooter then it is common to buy ammo in bulk. And if you’ve never done competitive shooting or even just going to the range once a month, you may not realize how fast the ammo is used up.
How much ammo does it usually take to kill your wife?
I wouldn’t know.
IIRC California requires background checks every 6 months to order ammo, and it can only be shipped to licensed ammo dealers, which charge a fee, and then picked up in person. It makes sense for California gun owners to buy bullets in bulk quantities.
But 47 weapons at home is excessive IMO.
No we must make it looks like the guns made him do it.
Well the guns enabled him to (allegedly) shoot his wife but it doesn’t seem like he was planning to make 26 000 holes in her.
But who’s to say he wasn’t about to kill 25,999 more people? Think of your children!
guesstimates the number of people between CA and my house
Whew! I think I’m safe
You know, I’ll bet if anyone who wasn’t a federal judge did this they’d be denied bail.
He’s a California superior court judge, not a federal judge. Either way, probably not much of a flight risk.
So much for CA not letting you own guns eh…
That’s the fun thing about outrage. It’s easy to just make shit up.
“CA gun laws are the tightest and goes against 2A and everyone has to give away their guns!”
And it’s really not?
This is why it should be illegal for conservatives to own guns or hold positions of power.
Random thought that’s totally pointless here:
If he took all of his weapons and all of his ammo to a shooting range, and if he prepped to the best of his ability before beginning, how long would it take for him to shoot off all 26,000 rounds, if he tried as hard as he could to fire them off as quickly as possible? By himself, with nobody else helping, just to be clear.
Feel free to throw out best case scenarios.
If I could afford a million dollar bail I’d probably buy 69 guns too.