instagram teens haven’t been to Epstein’s parties, they’re not woke educated academics
Can barely parse this one. Good job today.
did u baby-brains even read all the prerequisites in the course catalogue??? did you?? did you!!!
how could you understand x if you dont read y z & c???
shut the fuck up academic gatekeeper :blob-stop:
Debate is a huge thing. High school debaters are frequently reading arguments which utilize Deleuze, Foucault, Lacan, Fanon, and pretty much anyone you can think of.
Is… this what high school is like outside of the us??
That’s what my policy debate team was like, and which I think is representative of much of the teams around the US. It’s definitely a strange dynamic. Kids aren’t really given any sort of intro to all these thinkers and they are then thrown into the muck as listed in that quote. I think a big part of it is college debate spreading its influence down into high school.
Can’t say it’s the healthiest thing, you hear a lot of stories about kids who get their brain fried and later take up hard drugs.
In the other hand there’s the non-k teams who all end up as politicians.
its simple
everytime i do one push up, i read a book from a philosopher
on average i do 10 push ups a day
okay this makes much more sense
10/10 on the :jesse-wtf: scale.
Witnessing a historical run here.
Trying to understand this while also suffering from both poor sleep and too much Benedryl feels like an out of body experience
Lmao just be happy anybody at all is interested in your navel gazing bullshit.
I tried to read some Deleuze but couldn’t get past the first few pages it felt like reading complete gibberish, why do they have to write like that? Are there really no easier ways to express the same ideas?
Most of that school seems like complete gibberish to me, and I have a PhD in philosophy. There are definitely easier ways to express their ideas. It’s not just you.