Starfield release date and editions: The game will launch on September 6, 2023, exclusively for PC and Xbox Series X|S. There will be three editions: Standard, Deluxe and Constellation (Collector).
Starfield gameplay and features: The game is a cosmic RPG in open-world, where the player is an interstellar explorer. The game offers a vast world to explore, filled with planets and space stations. The game promises stunning graphics and a captivating story.
Starfield events and pre-orders: The game will be officially presented at the Starfield Direct event on June 11, 2023, after the Xbox Games Showcase. The pre-orders for the different editions will likely start after the live.
I wish we would stop with these ‘premium editions and collectors editions’
Like yeah maybe have an edition with a cool collectors item for those who want it. But I (and I’m gonna sound ancient here) I remember when you bought a game, that was it. The complete package, no DLC’s, fairly bug-free and felt like complete experiences.
I’ll never understand people who break down the gates to buy single player games on launch day.
I will be playing it day 1 on game pass and after mods start releasing and im ready to mod the game, I plan on buying it on sale. It seems like a pretty good plan to me.
Surely mods are going to be launching basically day one right? It’s still overall the same engine. Granted, probably nothing big, but surely there’s something people will want modded in very quickly.
Oh for sure, but it will still take time for people to play the game to figure out what needs to be changed, also we have no idea when the Creation Kit or whatever its going to be called will be released, I dont think they launched the modding tools day 1 when it came to Fallout 4 or Skyrim.
Yeah, they came out a few months later. But stuff like xEdit and other 3rd party tools will likely work straight out of the box.
Good plan. I should have been clear I meant people throwing $60-70 at a single player game on launch day.
off topic but I just realized that lemmy updates live, I always wished this was a thing with reddit lol
I’m in the same boat these days, but this is game pass so I’ll be straight in.
Yeah that price is insane.
Probably a good incentive to sell Game Passes, at £8/mo you can play for 7 months before you reach retail price.
I cannot see a way how this collector’s edition would be worth it. Even if they throw in all future DLC and physical goodies like your very own collection of multiple starship models, it’d be a tough sell to me.
Physical goodies of Fallout 4 quality? No thanks. I’ll wait for sales of the basic edition.
Even better if it’s physical goodies of Fallout 76 quality.
I kinda love when AAA games get a stupidly expensive collectors edition that like ten people will buy. Just like seeing what insane shit they throw in them.
Cries in poor…
And that’s a lot of money for what we all know is gonna be a broken game, Todd.
Consider tears of the kingdom. No freakin comparison
“See a planet? You can actually go to that planet and walk on it.”
I mean, Mario galaxy already had that part figured out… :P
And no mans sky
And elite dangerous
But hey whose counting
$70 USD to play an open world Bethesda game on launch day is a joke. There’s no other way to describe it. It’s laughable that Microsoft and Bethesda think anyone should be paying that much money to beta test the buggy, unstable, maybe even unfinished version of Starfield we’re likely getting in September. You’ll be paying the most money for the worst version of the game, period. And this is coming from someone who bought Skyrim on launch day in 2011.
Even if Starfield is better than expected, and surprisingly playable on launch day, I have no doubt in my mind that it will be an even better game by late 2024 thanks to the modding community, and you’ll probably be able to get it on sale by then. Especially if you plan to buy it on Steam, where big sales events seem to happen every week. But I doubt Starfield is going to be finished in September, because Bethesda has been given a mandate to hit a product launch target determined by Microsoft board room executives. We’ve all seen enough games this year, especially on PC, that were practically broken on day one, and especially after Redfall, I have a feeling that Starfield won’t be any better.
That’s the thing, they don’t expect you to pay that, or at least it’s not what they want, they want you to sign up to gamepass to play it then stay subbed for that sweet, sweet recurring income.
Isn’t $70 industry standard now?
They’re trying hard to push it as the new standard, but not every publisher is doing it yet. It’s been tried before, and fizzled out because consumers stopped buying as much but unfortunately, it might stick this time.
Is anyone going to buy these other versions? I feel like most people are just going to play on gamepass.
While I don’t have a lot of faith in how this game will turn out, I’m excited to try it anyway. We need new IPs, and hopefully the game will age well like other Bethesda games
That’s a lot of money Todd
I’ll try this on gamepass when it launches, don’t have any hype for it really.
Removed by mod
With game pass, I don’t really mind this
Is it gonna be on gamepass?
The official website says it will be on gamepass from day one.
If the game isn’t a flop, this should be pretty huge.
Xbox exclusives are day 1 gamepass always
That’s what I heard
I assume that the premium edition will include the season pass for all the DLC that will come out. That comes to $167 in my local Australian dollars. Not cheap! I’m considering waiting for the GOTY edition. It’ll include all the DLC, have some of the bugs worked out and will be cheaper.
I guess I’ll play this in 2024 or 2025.
Given the general state of AAA releases this generation, that’s pretty safe money.
They should have by then patched it enough so it plays like it should have on day one and you snag it for half the price.
Patient gaming is the way !
I wasn’t going to buy it anyway, but at this price I’m extra special not going to buy it.
Looking forward to this - games are just too expensive these days.