The social media company owned by former President Donald Trump in March tipped off the FBI about threats made by a Utah man who was fatally shot Wednesday by FBI agents as they attempted to arrest him for threatening to kill President Joe Biden, NBC News reported.
It’s like a honeypot for dumb extremists! It’s the same with that rentAHitman website, they get like 20 requests a month!
Yeah, anyone with a brain uses rentTHEHitman and X.
Wait, is that real? A literal “RentAHitman” website?
IIRC it’s a clear satire site, but you know what George Carlin said about the average American.
Apparently Carlin was an optimist.
It’s a bit of a parody, but it is indeed a real website that has caught several would-be murderers
Surprising. Those people fantasize about murdering liberals.
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Liberals are the ones that follow through? When right wing terrorism is the largest domestic terrorist threat?
Naw man loads of domestic terrorists on the right. Some on the left but not as many. Try again.
…That’s basically what I’m saying? Read my comment again, I was responding to a guy who said something along the lines of liberals being the ones to actually follow through with their threats. Anyways, they seem to have deleted their comment which makes my comment show up in a different part of the thread?? Super weird.
Gonna need a couple sources chief
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The articles you link not only don’t make your case, but seem to oppose it.
The Congressional shooter was protesting taxes and fired at his local congressman.
Your other link details a bunch of cops responding with deadly force to protesters.
Which part of this is supposed to show that liberals are violent or approve of violence? Not a huge fan of liberals myself, but they aren’t out there conspiring to kidnap governors or making pipe bombs to threaten Congress. Liberals aren’t stockpiling guns and sending threatening letters and manifestos to politicians.
Right wing nationalists are doing those things and they are getting off too lightly if they are even punished at all so the problem is getting worse, not better.
I don’t even bother with those people anymore. If they don’t want to learn then they can’t be taught.
Can’t reason someone out of a position they never reasoned themselves into.
yeah the reasonable solution to the gun problems in a country with 330m people and 380-400m firearms is more fucking guns.
sure thing, bolo, but cute meaningless quip.
Liberals aren’t stockpiling guns
Some of them are…
I’m in this picture. I hate that everyone assumes that guns are only for conservatives. If shit goes sideways I don’t want the Trumpets to be the only ones armed.
Every liberal I know except for two of them owns at least one gun. A few of them own several guns.
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How about that time all those liberals were told by the liberal president who just lost an election to march to the Capitol and “fight like hell?” That was totally a liberal thing that liberals did.
N-no, that was totally Antifa!!!
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Yeah i supposed BLM burned down the entire country, right?
Isn’t that the same stupid hyperbolic shit y’all spam online?
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Hah! Bet that’ll go over a treat with that crowd.
don’t worry, it’s fake news and the god emperor’s true platform would never betray them.
No, the deep state infiltrated their public platform with socialist tricks like… signing up for an account.
I bet it was the 5G microwaves them darn libruls sent to infiltrate our minds and control us into signing up! adjusts tinfoil hat
Im just going to form my own social media now! With blackjack and hookers!
Looks like some poor scapegoat will be fired soon.
Something tells me they’re all too stupid to note the irony in this.
The article ends with this? Is it a hint at twitter employees to do like what that truth social employee did here, especially next year?
Twitter, now known as X, made the decision because it feared Trump might incite further violence on the heels of the Capitol riot by a mob of his supporters two days earlier.
Twitter decided to ban him. Didn’t Musk reverse that?
Being a snitch is on brand for Trump.
Gun culture in America is so ironic. People buy these weapons for protection and to feel powerful, but having them makes you a target for violent crime; justifies deadly force by the State; and makes you a threat to yourself. This guy posts photos of his wall-o-guns and ghillie suit to look like a badass threat, and it sure did. To the feds!
In the civilized countries of the world. A 74 yo man can be rolled into custody by a pair of officers with a can of mace between them. In America, they have to go in like it’s the rebel camp in Predator(1987).
lol it’s the of violent right wing traitors.