Found in Massachusetts backyard this evening.
Cool, thanks!
It’s a cicada nymph shell. Not sure what species but since you said you’re in Massachusetts it’s might be “Dog Day” Cicada (Tibicen linnei) since it’s the most common cicada found there.
Cicadas are really pretty if you see one soon after molting. They’ve got beautiful metallic greens and blues.
I love cicadas.
Me too! They look so cool! And they’re so big, you can really see all their detail. And they’re super chill
What? Not the ones in Louisiana. They are super loud and fly into everything. When I was in college, there would be tons of them all over, many stuck upside down on the ground trying to turn over.
I think those were June bugs. Not sure if they are a type of cicada
I don’t think so, exact same as OP’s photos. They’re huge, with big wings
Oh, no, those are very different. Much smaller and shinier, for one
cicada! We get them a lot in Florida. Always saved the shells any time I found them.