Another subreddit posted the date he said it, which I think added to it - He said it on April 19th of this year - - that aged poorly very very quickly
You mean m/agedlikeavocado
I wonder if the author will be contacting him for a follow-up.
I wonder if the author will be contacting him for a follow-up.
Spez: How dare you record a private conversation showing my hypocrisy?!
If this is how the admins choose to act, so fucking be it. I’ll deltree my 12 year old account and never go back. As it stands, the fediverse is already my new home, and the users who decide to remain on reddit can explain to all the new users what the fuck went wrong.
I replaced every comment I had with a rant about how Reddit has become corporate shills and none of their actions are about profitability and all about easing corporations with the ability to targeted advertise to users while being openly hostile to all their volunteer labor and users.
12 years and 75k of comment karma worth.
The only people on reddit who are against the blackout are conservative assholes who hate picket lines. They’re going to be the majority of remaining users.
JUST LIKE TWITTER! I love that the new internet comes in two flavors, “open source hippie (doesn’t work well)” and “vaguely fascist (also doesn’t work that well tbh)”
You made me chuckle.
Nah I’m “conservative” (at least that’s what they call me on Reddit now), and most of us support this blackout. The site has been hostile to diverse political opinions for a long time. Note how one of the largest subs, r/Politics, remained open the whole time. They are, by every metric, very left wing.
Don’t let the silly culture war divide us on this one. We all think Reddit has jumped the shark.
You only think /politics is left wing because they banned all the left wingers.
Also, liberals aren’t left wingers. Have you ever heard an anarchist or a socialist talk about a liberal?
I hear what you’re arguing. People are much more complex than “left” and “right.” But, colloquially, the people on r/Politics, are left wing. They support abortion, and gay marriage, and trans people, and universal healthcare, and higher taxes, and a hundred other values typically shared by those on the left.
Old school liberals are certainly different to what we see on the left today.
What they did to The_Donald where Spez edited comments to make the sub seem to be inciting violence, so he had an excuse to ban it, is a prime example and should be a red flag regardless of someone’s politics.
The banning from several subs automatically of people who joined joke subs like “ChurchofCovid” is also a prime example.
Very hostile to differing political opinions.
I don’t think it’s a social media site any more, I think it’s a propaganda site and a data harvesting operation.
where Spez edited comments to make the sub seem to be inciting violence, so he had an excuse to ban it
Not what happened. Spez, fuckwit though he is, actually managed to do a halfway decent trolling there.
A bunch of t_d people were slagging him off and insulting him in their comments. Spez got drunk as shit one night and edited their comments, swapping his name with Trump’s so that it made them look like a bunch of anti-trumpers. Much gnashing of teeth ensued.
Absolutely shouldn’t have done it, especially as CEO of Reddit FFS, but definitely funny as shit.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s absolutely a mark against him, but he didn’t get them banned. They thouroughly got themselves banned on their own.
I don’t think it’s a social media site any more, I think it’s a propaganda site and a data harvesting operation.
I agree, but I also think that most social media has been propaganda and data harvesting all the way down from day one.
Like, the internet was not made by accident, or for no reason. It was developed at public universities with military funding.
I think r/Politics is owned by admins so they were never going dark.
It’s all rather opaque, isn’t it? I suspect you’re correct, but if Reddit is actually paying for and controlling the moderation of /r/Politics, that raises a number of serious questions; both ethical and legal.
Legal issue? Nah not really. Ethical issue? Absolutely.
Also the people who say “well I’m not using third party apps so who cares anyway”
The thing they should care about is how reddit has handled this situation. Imagine what nonsense they’ll come up with next if they’re willing to turf away some of the oldest and most dedicated users
Exactly this. I’ve used RIF since forever, so RIF is Reddit for me. Even if they take it all back and everything goes back to normal, there’s still a bad taste in my mouth. Reddit is clearly against the community, literally fighting it. Not even trying to find some sort of compromise or anything. So screw it, kbin seems pretty cozy so far, to be honest.
Honestly, even if they walk everything back, I still know they want to kill it eventually. Might as well already make my way over to other places like here, and stay with them.
I don’t know, but I already think I like it here.
I actually used the newer official desktop site, and really didn’t mind it at all. What I minded was Reddit acting like their company was Reddit. No, you just provided the website and infrastructure. You were not Reddit. WE were Reddit. And we liked Reddit as it was, not what you are turning it into to make a quick buck on your IPO. We didn’t appreciate providing ALL the value and then being treated as if we weren’t important or to be listened to. I’m tired of good sites being whored out for mega-bucks and then transformed into another sub-par lowest common denominator that is a ghost of its former self. I’ll skip the wait and pain of watching that happen yet again, and leave now.
So yeah, I wasn’t a third party app user, but in the long run I’ll still be effected by everything corporate management is doubling down on right now.
Here’s the first paragraph from Cory’s post:
“Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die.” Reddit is in step 4.
Yeah, the “enshittification” concept, I’ve read this, and definitely agree.
You’re completely right from a user’s perspective. I think this post from Cory Doctorow helps explain what we’re seeing. He doesn’t talk about Reddit specifically, but it should be easy to infer the implications for Reddit from what he writes:
It almost feels like that’s by design these days.
How long before there are calls for spez to resign? There’s no way other people at Reddit are happy with how he’s handled this. The product has been gutted, it’s probably worth a fraction of what it could have been. What next?
I haven’t been reading these messages for the blocked communities. Maybe I should have been.
How are y’all spreading yourself out in the fediverse so far? Right now I’m just browsing the front page of kbin and occasionally check in on my feed in mastodon, but I’m yet to find my “niche” communities.
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Well this ernest dude seems like he’s reacting quickly to criticisms. The NSFW posts were showing full pictures and there was a complaint to have the preview blurred out. Took less than 12 hours for him to implement that so that’s a plus
Well, I’m definitely buying Ernest a coffee now:
This gives me a 404 now, I found this
Ernest is a Chad for sure. We’ve exploded in number almost overnight and he’s been working his ass off to keep everything not only up and running but improving.
How do I kick in to pay costs?
This is the only one I know of right now:
I hope @ernest opens up a page somewhere that allows me to make monthly donations, because I’d really like to support the continued development of this app and the hosting of this site.
Ernest actually reminds me of u/ljdawson, the dev behind the Sync app. He’s responsive, takes criticism well, and seems to genuinely care about the platform he’s created. Hard to go wrong with that.
So Ernest is earnest? Cool.
I was wondering how long it would take before someone made this pun. Time to reset the timer…
i don’t think that’s “criticisms” and more of just feedback.
Well this ernest dude
The importance of being earnest.
@Eggyhead you can reset the timer again
Looks like this time was about 4 hours.
I like kbin a lot already too. I like the highly functional feel. It’s close enough to Reddit that I hope it draws in more users. I found it a lot more approachable than Mastodon, and “Lemmy” just doesn’t have a nice ring to it IMO.
If you’re a cat fan, I picked up a few of the more niche cat subs that I enjoyed on Reddit.’d be very happy to see you there! Even more so if you bring content :-)
Already been here in Fediverse for a while (with Mastodon), but kbin is Vulcan’s first link aggregation platform in the fediverse.
Bumpy start was to be expected but so far a very enjoyable experience, also contributed content to magazines.
There’s a general lack of content here - and Ernest has been doing an extremely courageous job of keeping the lights on.
I guess it’s up to us now to start creating content, and improving this site.
I think it’ll take a little while but we’ll find our niches. I’m finding a few magazines on to be really active in and I also got on I don’t think the latter is for me. I need to figure out a little better how federation works then I’m gonna explore more.
I’m struggling to find content. I saw some news about a sports team I follow, Xbox game, or show I’m watching- I would typically go to reddit, easily find a sub, and all of the content and comments I want. Now when I look on kbin or lemmy or beehaw ( I don’t even know the difference), I could be in an instance? where there is isn’t Xbox content but maybe another instance has tons of content. It’s a bit confusing.
Like another user mentioned- content across the fediverse isn’t federating with except in a very limited capacity. This is temporary. is another instance of kbin which has a much smaller local population but is federating much more than at the moment. You can see posts from lemmy on the front page.
deleted by creator
One of my biggest challenges is getting the ‘front page’ to fill up with the kind of thing I’d get on r/all. I think at the moment it only shows posts from the subs I subscribe to. But I can easily see how Kbin could replace Reddit (im not going back).
The reason it seems like that is because this kbin instance ( isn’t federated right now because of heavy traffic. So you’ll only see magazines that were created here. As soon as the restrictions are relaxed you’ll see other instances in the default feed. Or you could sign up for a different kbin instance like which are currently still federated.
Even so, the other instances that are working as intended don’t quite have that r/all feel yet just because there aren’t nearly the same number of users in all of the fediverse as there were on reddit. It’ll take time for the content to catch up.
You either die as a hero, or live long enough to become the villain.
Adios Reddit.