In S4E9, at 9’55”, Sisko is using it on various parts of his face. It almost looks like a shaver of some sort.
Its a box-o-matic 500000, you press it against someones head and their skull opens up like a treasure chest. And inside is, you guessed it, the box-o-matic 500000.
That is for shaving his head. Geordi uses one in an episode of the next generation.
I don’t think that’s Geordi. Geordi has hair. I think it’s Sisko.
But yes, it’s a shaving thingy. (also known as a block of acrylic, lol.) Geordi also uses one, and Data asks why he doesn’t use the one he tuned to be “perfect”… and Geordi has to explain that too close a shave is uncomfortable.
Did you know the name Geordie is the mandala effect? Rewatch it, his name is Blake.
Blake le Forge just doesn’t have the same ring to it.