The Supreme Court is reinstating a regulation aimed at reining in the proliferation of ghost guns, firearms without serial numbers that have been turning up at crime scenes across the nation in increasing numbers.
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Good luck regulating them when you can 3d print them.
People were making their own firearms for over a century before 3D printers were a thing, just saying.
You can build a basic firearm, even some semi-automatics, simply by going to hardware store.
Let’s be real: You could probably build one out of literal trash if you really wanted to.
Probably. At my house I’d just have to walk out to the garage. There’s enough leftover iron pipe and whatnot in there that I could knock together a low rent single shot 12 gauge in just a few minutes.
Just noticed they misspelled rifles “riffles” haha
But it used to take skill, and lots of expensive equipment. Now anyone can do it for not very much money.
Depends on what you make, any idiot can build a pipegun and a lot of those “simple” 3D printed guns actually take some skill to put together. Never mind the skill to build, maintain, and sucessfully use a 3D printer.
It still takes a lot of time and effort for something that would underperform something kludged together from hardware store parts. The only real benefit of printing it is that it won’t set off a metal detector
The bullets you have to use to fire one will 100% set off a metal detector though, never mind that these devices themselves are terrible, often unreliable, and potentially dangerous to the user.
Yep, though it would probably be easier to smuggle bullets around a metal detector than a gun. Though honestly it would probably be easier to kill someone by hand. I told a friend about how I’ve printing as a hobby and his first question was “can you print me a gun?” Bruh
Print him a rubber band gun lol, they’re relatively easy to print. I think there are some nerf dart gun designs out there too.
Oh yeah diy nerf guns have come so far, they’re really crazy. I really want to design a low power rubber band powered single shot pistol, something you could print and build without a trip to the hardware store.
Hopefully SCOTUS makes the right decision once they acrltually review the case. The ATF has no right to decide themselves that 80% kits are suddenly illegal.
This just says they can’t sell 80%s and the rest of a firearm in the same shopping cart. Doesn’t seem like much of a restriction to home makers.
Well that’s going to pass off a lot of Texans and other gun nuts, which I pretty much one and the same.
Gun nut here: Not a Texan and also not really pissed off about this. I also think it probably won’t make much of a difference and home-made firearms have been around for well over 100 years so if someone really wants to make one and doesn’t care about regulations, they’re just going to make one anyways.
I agree, what I classify as a gun but is someone who needs 30 different rifles and more than one handgun, dont hunt and is afraid they will be attacked by anyone if they don’t have one or more guns on their person at one time, just to clarify.
I’m not anti-gun, I just don’t see a need for so many guns in one household whether legal or not. I honestly don’t think ghost guns and kits should be regulated some how, and serial numbers help obtain this
Do you get equally upset my people that collect knives, old tools, or cars?
All of those can be dangerous too.
Ah yes, nobody talks about the daily news of someone killing dozens of people with knives, old tools, and/or cars! We should absolutely not worry about guns while these clearly significantly more dangerous weapons are allowed to proliferate so easily!
According to the cdc, about 42,000 people died from car accidents.
In 2021, the worst year for gun deaths, about 48,000 people died from guns.
So yes, cars are just about as Dangerous as guns.
We need to ban all these maniacs from owning full automatic transmission vehicles.
Yeah sure I’ll drive my fucking gun to work
Yeah all those cars driving through schools are a real menace nowadays.
No, and I’m not upset. I just think it’s excessive to think you need that many guns for 2-4 people. I saw one gentleman that had an arsenal of 250 guns and 90 handguns in the guise of self defense, for one person. He carried 3 ar-15’s in his car at all times and walked around with 4 handguns 2 on h hi is hip and one on each leg in ankle holsters. His gun belt carried 8 magazines at all times.
If you ask me that’s stupid, if he got into a gunfight with someone he might have enough time to use 2 or 3 shots off one gun. Sorry but that does not put the odds in your favor.
You have a right to bear arms. No guise needed.
Didn’t say you didn’t. But it’s stupid to think you need that much hardware
If we were cut back to only what we need we’d all be miserable.
No, and I’m not upset. I just think it’s excessive to think you need that many guns for 2-4 people. I saw one gentleman that had an arsenal of 250 guns and 90 handguns in the guise of self defense, for one person. He carried 3 ar-15’s in his car at all times and walked around with 4 handguns 2 on h hi is hip and one on each leg in ankle holsters. His gun belt carried 8 magazines at all times.
If you ask me that’s stupid, if he got into a gunfight with someone he might have enough time to use 2 or 3 shots off one gun. Sorry but that does not put the odds in your favor.