Updated photo to remove the name of the company so I am not even inadvertently advertising them.
Why only work 9-5 when you could work 7am-7pm, 7 days a week? Clearly the 777 model is superior, because the number is bigger
Depends on how you write out “nine to five”. 9-5 is just 4 and obviously quite small, but 9^5 is even bigger and therefore more betterer than 777
Also 925 is bigger
9 days a week 25 hours a day!
“Be your own boss!”
Translation: “We don’t want you as an employee because it’s much easier to fuck you as a contractor”
Deliberately or not, this post is an advertisement.
Lol, I guess, but without the link to click, not a very good one.
Depending on the details, might be worth doing just to fuck with the input. But it might not be
FYI the thumbnail still shows the name of the company
If you mean the letters “DA” I left that on purpose because it is hardly enough to identify the company.
I guess it takes a while to propagate, its updated for me now