And you and rest of the GOP enabled him to be just that.
Remember when Dr. Frankenstein regretted making a malformed abomination that couldn’t be controlled? A creature that destroyed everything that he touched, torching everything beautiful and enlightened that he came across with the words “fake news” on his disfigured and decaying orange lips?
Christie actively helped him with debate prep for 2020 … even after Stephen Colbert pleaded with him not to…
I know they all got right behind 100% of the way and followed his lead. So any destruction he does to America is on them too.
I can forgive if they actually help bring him down.
I sure as fuck can’t. Would you forgive an arsonist that burnt down your house if he helped put out the fire he started?
If they could admit true remorse, probably. I’m not Christian though, so that might have something to do with it…
He won’t. Remember how he bitch slapped Rubio knowing full that it would help trump gain ground in Florida? This is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
I can’t. I’ve been watching the Republican party charge ever forward toward this my whole life, and I’m old. The only reason the Republican party would take part in “bringing him down” is if he was getting in the way of that charge.
I just wanna see my government do good because my people voted for it 😢😂
Christie sucked Trumps balls for years and fucked up being Gov so badly that he couldn’t get elected dog catcher.
That being said, I do give him credit for being the only prominent Republican pointing out the Emperors New Clothes.
You know shit is fucked when Christie is the only voice of reason in the room.
Mike Pence is willing to testify as well. Once again, he’s reprehensible, but am going to give him credit for standing up for the truth.
Mike Pence will forever hold a modicum of my respect for, more so than anyone else in Trump’s administration, obstructing Trump’s attempt to dismantle democracy in America. Do I think he’d make a good president? Fuck no, he’d be disastrous. But I can’t deny that a more power-hungry vice president probably would’ve gone through with Trump’s plan.
Couldn’t agree more.
I wouldn’t vote for Christie as dog catcher, there’s no way that motherfucker could catch a dog. I’m sure he would be fine at any number of minor bureaucratic roles, so long as he has a supervisor.
This is why dogs everywhere would vote for him
there’s no way that motherfucker could catch a dog.
I’d give him even odds on a basset hound.
As Governor of New Jersey, Christie single-handedly stopped a much needed tunnel project that New York and New Jersey had been trying to build for decades. The funding was going to come from the TARP funds and Christie didn’t want Obama to have a big project like that on his resume. It wasn’t like the funds didn’t get spent, they just didn’t go to create jobs in Christie’s state.
“Is this the kind of conduct that the Republican party or the American people want for someone who’s going to be president?”
Yes to Republican party, no to American people.
That’s an interesting distinction; the Republican party OR the American people. Very telling.
Yes. The Republican Party is people who are registered Republicans, the American people is everyone who’s a citizen of the United States. Most Republicans support this behavior, most Americans do not, which is why Republican presidential candidates always lose the popular vote.
The Republicans usually lose the popular votes, but unfortunately not by enough because it should be a landslide. Most Republican voters vote based on who they hate rather than policy. They are in a culture war.
They always lose the popular vote by many millions. But it’s not how many votes that matters, it’s where they come from thanks to the Electoral College.
No true Scotsman.
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Yeah but he can’t stop ignorantly talking shit, which is literally all Republican voters care about.
Almost no Republican voters could outline their policy positions with access to wikipedia and a gun to their heads. Donald Trump became the Republican darling for getting up on stage and commiserating with a crowd of Republicans about how he’d like to take his political enemies out back and beat the shit out of them. Bravado from a well documented coward, of course, but it’s exactly why someone like Pence, who is cruel on policy but is polite through his teeth, could never get the nomination in this climate, baggage or no.
Some context, courtesy of WaPo:
Christie lobbied harder than anyone to become Trump’s vice-presidential pick, but he was passed over in a way that seemed to surprise him. Then Christie took over Trump’s 2016 transition team, before being quickly pushed aside. Trump declined on multiple occasions to make him attorney general, the cabinet job Christie was most suited for, leading Christie to explain in early 2019, “He hasn’t offered me anything that I really wanted to do.” It was at this point that the cracks in their alliance began to form, and they became chasms after Jan. 6, 2021. Christie has even blamed Trump for giving him a coronavirus infection that landed him in intensive care in late 2020. He said Trump never called to check on him.
He said Trump never called to check on him.
Correction, he did call but only to make sure that Christie wouldn’t tell people that he was the one that infected him.
Even though he was one of the enablers that help bring us Trump, at least he’s saying it was a mistake and he was wrong. That’s more than I can say about any of the rest of the GOP.
Sounds like a you problem Christie.
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