What the absolute fuck? I just watched the video on the NBC News link and Vance needs to be slapped like the little bitch he is.
“Do you think speaking loudly will make you right?”
Fuck man. The United States is losing ALL international credibility. This almost has to be Putin’s plan for us.
Americans would be so mad if they made time to read.
Dugin is just a plagarist nazi who copied the ideology of Ivan Ilyn,
Vance: Before now, no one’s tried to diplomacy to end this war and we’re going to do that.
Zelensky: We’ve tried diplomacy over and over and Putin has repeatedly broken those agreements. What diplomacy are you talking about?
Vance: I think it’s disrespectful for you to come here and try to litigate this in front of the American media. 🤡
Vance is such a fucking clown.
You should be grateful that we want to give your country away! Lol wtf
Embarrassing and sickening to watch. What a sniveling little brownnoser Vance is, no wonder he got the VP pick.
Vance is a completely worthless slime mold.
It’s completely transparent that Trump, Vance and Elon all work for Putin. Russia has its arm all the way up Don’s ass.
Slime mold is more valuable.
As a Ukrainian who lives in the US, I couldn’t watch this shit and now I’m even more depressed.
As I’ve noted before, if you think of dialogue like a roleplaying video game in which you have labeled options - you can choose the “friendly” response or the “neutral” response or the “antagonistic” response or whatever - it’s as if, in every situation, Vance chooses the “asshole” response.
Trump and Vance deserve to eat lead. What a fucking disgrace these 2 are to the American people and democracy.
Vance is such a shitheel toadie. God damn what a weak piece of shit.
laughs nervously in europ
JD Vance is a fucking stupid bitch. Zelensky was talking about the Budapest Memorandum and how that was broken and Putin cannot be trusted, the Vance comes over and just cuts him off to be like “IM TALKING ABIUT RITE NAOOWWW!!!” like the past has no bearing on the present and cannot give us insight into the actions of nations. Trump, Vance, you’re a fucking embarrassment and I cannot wait for the day when we all stand up against you. I am pushing everyone to make that soon. Like this summer soon. March to DC. Make it bigger than the Civil Rights movement.
I just saw the video. Holy fucking shit. My view of Trump was already rock bottom, but he just managed to enter a new low now.
I want to ask Conservative America how it feels to have a Russian Cock firmly up your ass. does it feel nice? is that what you tell yourself?