Sheriff Robert Norris attempts to drag one of his constituents out of a public town hall meeting, and threatens to pepper spray her if she does not comply. He claimed he wasn’t acting in his official capacity, but he was wearing a sheriff’s hat and his badge on his belt
Related news article:
If he wasn’t acting under his authority as a sheriff, from where does he think he derives any lawful authority to arrest someone for trepassing?
Anyone know if enforcing your own trespass warning is legal in Idaho? Will probably make a big difference to how this woman fares.
Dragging a constituent from a town hall meeting for disliking their public comment is obscene whether you’re acting in an official sheriff capacity or not. Either way he’s clearly demonstrated a gross misuse of his position. Sheriff Robert Norris apparently has a Wikipedia article detailing a list of controversial actions:
I wasn’t surprised at all when I read his wiki. Thanks for sharing.
I’m not disputing the guy is a bastard, you had me at sheriff.
No where do I see what she was asked to leave for. You said because they didn’t like her comment, but in the video the reporter said for disrupting the meeting. How do you know it was just for the content of her comment?
If they weren’t acting in official capacity, doesn’t that remove qualified immunity from the assault and battery committed?
This was disgusting. Why did nobody help them.
They should have asked on camera if they were an officer, of they were on duty, and why the person was being detained.
Wouldnt have stopped the arrest likely but at least would have more evidence for the lawsuit.
We have to band together and protect each other from the Brown shirts
Probably because they didn’t want to get shot. The best way to deal with this kind of thing isn’t always via confrontation of an armed crazy person.
Another angle:
Woman who spoke out at Idaho Town Hall is dragged out of the room and zip tied
Follow-up article:
UPDATE on town hall chaos: Woman who was dragged out speaks, police chief condemns security, name of security firm confirmed
a couple more updates:
Business license suspended for private security firm involved in Coeur d’Alene town hall fracas
Fundraiser for Dr. Teresa Borrenpohl, the woman who was dragged out of the Town Hall:
Here. We. Go.