Holy fuck…
In a post about a “prominent American Jewish politician,” court documents said Goltz commented, “I want to throw that Jew in an oven so badly, I can taste it.”
In response to posts about another Maricopa County official, Goltz suggested targeting the official’s children. Another user said kids were “off limits.” Goltz’s account replied that nothing was off limits and said the other user did not “have the stomach to do whatever it takes to get our country back.”
Throw away the fucking key.
… was a Socialist Jew. I wonder what this guy would do if he ever met him.
If I know anything about Jesus, he’s probably flip a table or two at the very least.
Probably turn into a pillar of salt
Check out all the conservatives rushing to condemn this guy.
Oops, I think you meant to say compliment but you typed condemned. FTFY
It’s like these morons have no idea how elections actually work…
They don’t want elections, they want a Dictatorship.
its only democratic if its what i want!
You’re also a communist if you disagree, somehow
They do, they don’t care lol.
When MAGA sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us.
These are literally the best they can send.
They figured that since he still had all his teeth that he was good enough…
Who knows, Goltz might even end up as Trump’s cellmate.
Or his running mate…
Or both
Dude looks like his mom was chugging skol by the gallon while this sad fucker gestated.
Guys like this dont gestate, they crawl from the ooze.
Ah, another freedom of speech “purist”. Where freedom of speech means anyone they disagree with is shunned and silenced.
This is your brain on Domestication. Stay wild my friends.
Yeah, he should be dropped into a pit and never see the light of day again. What a fucking monster.
The article is behind a firewall for me. Is it short enough for someone to post the text?
FlyingSquid posted this bit of the transcript:
Holy fuck…
In a post about a “prominent American Jewish politician,” court documents said Goltz commented, “I want to throw that Jew in an oven so badly, I can taste it.”
In response to posts about another Maricopa County official, Goltz suggested targeting the official’s children. Another user said kids were “off limits.” Goltz’s account replied that nothing was off limits and said the other user did not “have the stomach to do whatever it takes to get our country back.”
Throw away the fucking key.
I’ll add it to the summary bot so it can recap.