I’ll leave this here if someone is interested in this. I had to spend some time to figure all this out so it might save somebody’s time:
So I found this old PC with a real native floppy interface (i.e. not USB floppy drives) and I wanted to use Linux to image and low-level format old disks more conveniently than in DOS or Windows.
The problem is, modern Linux kernels have dropped support for low-level floppy controller commands (i.e. the FDRAWCMD ioctl) in the floppy module: the ioctl has always been problematic and it was finally dropped in April 2022.
That means you can’t do anything but basic generic block device operations on floppies on a modern Linux distribution. So things like dd
and basic mtools commands like mdir
or mtype
. That’s fine if your floppies have a standard format and are in good working condition. For anything else though, you’re SOL.
I had already installed the 32-bit version of Debian 12 Bookworm on my old PC, which is the most modern version of i686 Linux you can find at the moment, and I had it all configured nicely. So I wasn’t exactly keen on regressing to an older distro until I found one with full native floppy support - not to mention the PITA of downloading and trying progressively older distros until I found one.
So I simply regressed the kernel and finally found the last one that still has FDRAWCMD support enabled:
~$ uname -srv
Linux 4.19.0-20-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 4.19.235-1 (2022-03-17)
To install this kernel, do this:
Add the Debian 10 (aka Buster) repo to your APT sources.list:
sudo bash -c "echo deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian buster main >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
Update the cache:
sudo apt update
Install the older kernel (this assumes that you’re on a 32-bit machine of course):
sudo apt install linux-image-4.19.0-20-686-pae
Reboot, go into the Grub menu and select the 4.19 kernel after the POST.
Once the machine has rebooted, confirm that the 4.19 kernel is running:
uname -v
If you haven’t done it yet, install common floppy tools:
sudo apt install mtools
sudo apt install fdutils
Also add youself to the disk
group to have access to the floppy interfaces as a user, not just as root:
sudo useradd -G disk your_username
To confirm that low-level floppy access is functional, insert a floppy you don’t care about in the drive corresponding to A: in DOS and do:
superformat /dev/fd0 --superverify
You should see something like this (here it didn’t work, I used a floppy with bad sectors for the sake of example):
~$ superformat /dev/fd0 --superverify
Measuring drive 0's raw capacity
In order to avoid this time consuming measurement in the future,
add the following line to /etc/driveprm:
drive0: deviation=-480
CAUTION: The line is drive and controller specific, so it should be
removed before installing a new drive 0 or floppy controller.
Verifying cylinder 15, head 1 error during command execution
66 04 0f 01 01 02 12 1b ff
44 20 20 0f 01 01 02
CRC error in data field
CRC error in data or address
cylinder=15 head=1 sector=1 size=2
error during command execution
66 04 0f 01 01 02 12 1b ff
44 20 20 0f 01 01 02
CRC error in data field
CRC error in data or address
cylinder=15 head=1 sector=1 size=2
Verifying cylinder 15, head 1 error during command execution
66 04 0f 01 01 02 12 1b ff
44 20 20 0f 01 01 02
CRC error in data field
CRC error in data or address
cylinder=15 head=1 sector=1 size=2
error during command execution
66 04 0f 01 01 02 12 1b ff
44 20 20 0f 01 01 02
CRC error in data field
CRC error in data or address
cylinder=15 head=1 sector=1 size=2
And as a reminder, here are a few useful commands for direct floppy access in Linux (without mounting the device):
- List the content of a floppy DOS-stylee:
~$ mdir a:
Volume in drive A has no label
Volume Serial Number is 2819-14E6
Directory for A:/
COMMAND COM 93040 2005-04-18 17:54
DISPLAY SYS 17175 2005-04-18 17:54
EGA CPI 58870 2005-04-18 17:54
EGA2 CPI 58870 2005-04-18 17:54
EGA3 CPI 58753 2005-04-18 17:54
KEYB COM 21607 2005-04-18 3:04
KEYBOARD SYS 34566 2005-04-18 17:54
KEYBRD2 SYS 31942 2005-04-18 17:54
KEYBRD3 SYS 31633 2005-04-18 17:54
KEYBRD4 SYS 13014 2005-04-18 17:54
MODE COM 29239 2005-04-18 17:54
AUTOEXEC BAT 0 2012-10-15 17:46
CONFIG SYS 0 2012-10-15 17:46
13 files 448 709 bytes
889 344 bytes free
- Dump the entire floppy raw in an image file:
~$ dd if=/dev/fd0 of=floppy.img
2880+0 records in
2880+0 records out
1474560 bytes (1.5 MB, 1.4 MiB) copied, 50.8244 s, 29.0 kB/s
- List the content of the floppy image file as if it was a real floppy:
~$ mdir :: -i floppy.img
Volume in drive : has no label
Volume Serial Number is 2819-14E6
Directory for ::/
No files
1 457 664 bytes free
- Copy a file to/from a floppy:
~$ mcopy test.txt a:
~$ mcopy a:test.txt .
- Dump a file on the floppy on the console like DOS’ TYPE would:
~$ mtype a:test.txt
Complete list of mtools utilities:
~$ mtools
Supported commands:
mattrib, mbadblocks, mcat, mcd, mclasserase, mcopy, mdel, mdeltree
mdir, mdoctorfat, mdu, mformat, minfo, mlabel, mmd, mmount
mpartition, mrd, mread, mmove, mren, mshowfat, mshortname, mtoolstest
mtype, mwrite, mzip
Complete list of fdutils utilities:
~$ dpkg -L fdutils | awk '{FS="/"} /bin\/[a-z]/ {print $4}'
I hope this helps.
@ExtremeDullard Oh thanks! I’m just put a floppy in my ~2010 era PC and was reading through PC format floppies OK, but I have some more obscure stuff to read and that will be a problem; thanks for hitting it first!
I am just curious, what were you using the floppies for? Configuration of some older piece of hardware? Retro gaming? Older backups?
Cool guide!
I am just curious, what were you using the floppies for? Configuration of some older piece of hardware? Retro gaming? Older backups?
Just backing them up. My company was throwing a bunch away - as well as this PC with perfectly working drives which was hours away from being landfilled - and something in me told me to save them and image them for others who might need whatever was on them. See here.
Cool guide!
Thanks 🙂
There will never be a better symbol for “Save”. I’m not old, I’m iconic.
I pray this thread persists for the next person who needs this info.
The picture garnered my first out loud chuckle of the day. Fuck, I’m old.
As much as “Buy more equipment” is an unfortunate answer, I’ve given up with native floppy drives in modern computers. I do sometimes use an intermediate machine as a bridge box, but mostly have it down to a few gadgets:
- A greaseweazle (FOSS, preassembled for $30ish) for reading and writing physical floppies.
- A gotek drive emulator flashed with FlashFloppy (open source firmware for a sub-$30 commercial device) for feeding images directly to machines that covers most things.
- A FloppyEmu ($130; expensive but delightful) for feeding images to Apple machines.
It’s mostly a good solution, and the first $60 gets a lot of reach if you aren’t into Apple stuff (which has always been a bit of an issue, even at the time).
Nice write up! Curious, was this to avoid using a USB floppy drive?
I only have a 3"1/2 USB drive and I can’t seem to do any low-level stuff with it. Not in Linux anyway. I haven’t tried in Windows because I don’t use Windows.
But I did find this PC and it has a native PC floppy controller, a 3"1/2 drive and, more importantly, a 5"1/4 drive too. In fact, I saved the PC from the landfill to scavenge the 5"1/4 drive and ended up keeping the PC and giving it another lease on live solely for its floppy controller (and also for its DAT drive 🙂).
Thing are just easier with the real McCoy. Hence my spending a couple hours making this work.
Its fun and rewarding to figure stuff out and awesome to write it up and share with others.
I’ve had good results with ufiformat and usb floppies, but indeed only 3.5"
Thanks for this post! 💾
I’ll be putting it to use in the near future.