80 years old! That homecoming party is going to be absolutely epic.
op, ty for the good news today.Peltier, an enrolled member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians in North Dakota, was active in the American Indian Movement, which beginning in the 1960s fought for Native American treaty rights and tribal self-determination.
The group grabbed headlines in 1969 when activists occupied the former prison island of Alcatraz in the San Francisco Bay, and again in 1972, when they presented presidential candidates with a list of demands including the restoration of tribal land. After they were ignored, they seized the headquarters of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
From then on, the group was subject to FBI surveillance and harassment under a covert program that sought to disrupt activism and was exposed in 1975.
Peltier’s conviction stemmed from a confrontation that year on the Oglala Sioux Indian Reservation in Pine Ridge, South Dakota, in which FBI agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams were killed. According to the FBI, the agents were there to serve arrest warrants for robbery and assault with a dangerous weapon.
Prosecutors maintained at trial that Peltier shot both agents in the head at point-blank range. Peltier acknowledged being present and firing a gun at a distance, but he said he fired in self-defense. A woman who claimed to have seen Peltier shoot the agents later recanted her testimony, saying it had been coerced.
He was convicted of two counts of first-degree murder and given two consecutive life sentences.
I am honestly amazed Trump didn’t find a way to keep him locked up.
There’s few things trump won’t do, but reversing a precious president’s pardon opens up a gaping hole in his own escape strategy and kills off a gold egg hen…
Trump doesn’t care enough about actually achieving anything. He gets exactly the same benefit by simply complaining about Biden commuting his sentence.
I don’t know what news you’ve been paying attention to, but it sure looks to me like he’s achieving a whole hell of a lot of things he set out to do.
He’s getting what he wants, for sure. But it’s all part of the firehose. He doesn’t give a fuck about trans kids or vaccines or Ukraine. He cares about gathering money and power. If his agenda stalls, he does not care because he will pivot to a new distraction. He stirs up bigots because they help him get what he really wants. I would be shocked to learn Trump knows who Leonard Peltier is.
If everything he does is just a distraction from his agenda, what the hell is his agenda?
You’re asking the right question, but the answer sucks. His agenda is to gather wealth and power. It makes no difference who gets hurt, who he has to be friends with, which hate groups he promotes, or who dies. He has no morals, no priorities, no political desires beyond obtaining wealth and power. And he’s getting it.
Well I’m sorry, I do not accept that genocide is just a distraction. That’s ludicrous.
You don’t think Trump would commit genocide as a distraction from his power grab? I think Trump would commit genocide to distract from a fart.
Biden commuted Peltier’s sentence almost a month ago — January 19 or in the early morning on the 20th, I believe. Why has it taken so long to walk him to the prison gates and say “Buh-bye”?
I’m guessing because he’s old and needed medical stuff sorted out.
Medical care in prison is notoriously awful, though.