I may have caused that by going to Computex Taipei 2018 and 2019 and asking all laptop makers for better ergonomics via increased distance between the keyboard and the display, gesturing sliding the display upwards on rails, saying that there could even be two screens on top of each other.
lol, next time please just ask for thunderbolt 5
That looks comical how tall the screen is. It’s a shame they can’t figure out how to do that but widescreen.
Doesn’t even need to be seamless, just a foldout second monitor on the left or right.
That thing is going to need counterweights or anchor straps if you put it on a 45
That looks a bit top heavy. Most people would probably be better off with a portable monitor if they need another screen.
The laptop looks like Kirby when he goes to suck you in in smash while it’s “extended”.