That kind of honesty is hard to find, that’s a green flag for me.
medical student
Wait y funy
I love that movie
Authentic and honest so you can’t complain
What you see is what you get
what you expect is what you get
Oof. That hits in the feels a little. I’ve told my wife that I hope she outlives me. Maybe it’s a little selfish in a way but I honestly think she could handle being alone better than I could. She’s like my center of gravity. The person who keeps me grounded. I’m not sure what I would do without her.
In a world full of ego-driven megalomaniacs, it is rare to see public expressions of humbleness.
In my location, back when I was in dating app hell, everyone kept saying they liked bonfires and the beach and hiking, so I wrote “hate bonfires, the beach, and especially hiking.” It paid off.
I’m into women but I’d hang out with him
Same. Like, I can totally be his lesbian friend. He can be my older man friend. We can be partners in crime
I’m into women but I’d hang out with him
Small dick is less painful?
Being into women has nothing to do with penetration.
But being inside women does.
Being into women has nothing to do with penetration.
And I wasn’t referring to the first part of your sentence.
In what other way was I supposed to interpret that comment??
Be a dear, Grant him a favor, luv.
How about a nice game of chess?