First “Violent” undocumented immigrants.
Then “Non-Violent” undocumented immigrants.
Then trans people?
Then documented but deemed undesirable immigrants?
Maybe citizens who have done the worst possible crimes?
Citizens who disagree too loudly with Trump or Musk?
When do you suppose they’ll build the next camp?
When do you suppose they’ll get to “the gays” or “the blacks?”
When will they get to your neighbor? Or to you?
When will it finally be enough for those who voted to put him in power? Ever?
I recently saw a meeting of my school district’s board of trustees and they were essentially asking the superintendent about this and what do we do? How do we assuage fears? How do we keep kids and families safe?
The answers pretty much boiled down to we won’t see roundups here like we’ve seen in other cities because of rules. We’re woefully unprepared for what’s to come and I frankly have no clue what to do. I’m so fucking scared.
Oh, okay, rules. This administration will certainly obey these rules. Wow.
Friendly reminder that about 2lbs of sugar ruins about 2 tons of concrete.
Is this a sugar in gas tank reference, or a general sabotage ref? Does sugar actually destroy concrete?
It delays the setting time.
You would have to add it while it’s still mixing right?
Lol, yeah you can’t mix sugar into already set concrete. 🤣
You could pour it on while it’s wet, but would that do much?
I’m no expert, I looked it up. It won’t destroy concrete unless crazy large amounts are dumped in the mix.
Yes, while mixing. Like any other chemical reaction it requires contact to make the reaction. If the contact is limited to a certain area only that area will be impacted. It’s not magic. The sugar doesn’t multiply and move itself through the median.
“First they came for the communists…”
A concentration camp. When do we start calling it what it obviously is!?
My partner was watching “The Tattooist of Auschwitz” at the time i encountered the first photograph of the tents they are putting up “to house thousands of immigrants”
They have no official plan what to do with them after they are there.
The resemblance is uncanny and impossible to ignore.
The correct time to call them concentration camps is the exact second you learn of there existence. One cannot be mistaken. They are what they are and we all know it.
When do we start calling it what it obviously is!?
Only when the democrats aren’t in office.
Hey Dems! Here is a slam dunk. This should be on every front page, local and national. The start of concentration camps.
Imagine believing that the dems would care.
Feels like no one cares except for their 4 and no more.
Not only a concentration camp but also a black site! No rights, no questions, no record.
It always strikes me as odd when people’s reaction to seeing a news story on mainstream media is to complain about it not being reported by mainstream media.
Also, the Democratic Party does not determine what’s on the front page of newspapers. In fact it seems a lot of media is being told handle Trump with kid gloves since the news isn’t a big money maker for the huge corporations that own them and their owners are worried about reprisals from Trump against the more profitable parts of their corporations.
NY Times is independently owned tho, and they had a good piece on it a few days ago:
Didn’t make the front page because of some stuff in Gaza and below the fold they had a story explaining some of the nuances of birthright citizenship.
I think the plan is simply to fill it up ASAP so they can start “temporarily” holding deportees in domestic prisons and using them for cheap labor. It doesn’t even need to stay full, it just needs to incite a “change of plans”.
Undocumented immigrants, this is your “Get out!” moment right here. Hate to see you leave but I hate for you to be tortured for essentially not filling paperwork.
As everything collapses here, it reminds me just how awful the conditions really are for so many people back home. They would rather stay in (or even come to) this cesspool, even with these high profile risks.
Incredibly disgusting to see.
How long before someone calls it a happy camp not ever having seen south park?
Obviously he meant the people who are on “the worst” position of his list of undesirable.
I wish i could say that ironically but its absolutely what he meant.
Once he runs out of
jewsimmigrants it will be theromagender diverse.People like myself are quick to follow, everyone who does not comply will eventually.
What’s the point of having concentration camps if they don’t use them? \s \s \s
When you’re a racist asshole, all of the non-white people are “the worst”. I’d expect nothing less from TFG.