U-238 is very stable, the post should have picked Radium or Francium for example
Uranium ore is almost entirely U-238, but there is a small fraction of it that is U-235, and radioactive. Some of the mines in northern Saskatchewan have ore so hot that they have to cut it with waste rock for it to be able to go though the mill.
I would like to subscribe to uranium facts please
Uranium Fact: 1.7 Billion years ago there existed a natural occurring nuclear fission reactor.
Uranium fever has done and got me down
Imagine you are just a dude in a cold place and one day you find a very hot rock. Magic! Is that how the first jacuzzi was invented? Did he just called everyone in the village for a hot bath?
The first jacuzzis were probably using geothermal energy, but more likely volcanic heat than uranium directly.
Is this in northern SK?
tell me more about this mystical land of “Northern Saskatchewan”
I don’t think it’s a real weakness, eh? You don’t see me moaning and groaning and laying about just because it’s nearby. Superman is just acting like a big baby for dramatic effect.
So many elements on the table are your weakness es. Hg, Pb, Po, Ra, all will kill you pretty well.
Fucking water will kill you if you drink too much of it or breathe too much of it.
Uranium rocks are nothing, my weakness is the crack rock
If you aim good enough, every rock could be someone’s weakness.
I want someone to kill Superman with a Kryptonite sling bullet, like David and Goliath.
Any rock flying towards you over a certain speed can be considered a fatal weakness
Car is technically rock too
It’s even sillier than that.
Kryptonite for Kal-El is like radium for John Smith if John Smith was living on an alien planet, the star of which can give him superpowers, unless there’s a fragment of radium nearby, draining his powers.
I found krypton
itefor sale for 7 usd and uranium ore for 125 usdWho even has 125 usd ton weaken a human?
I’m not worried, I have paper!
It’s quite likely that Superman maintains another identity that would allow him to live something approaching a normal life when he’s not performing heroics, and there are quite a few possibilities as to what that identity might be. However, given his vulnerability to Kryptonite, I think we can rule out anyone in a paper-centric profession, such as journalism.