Rep. Tim Goodwin, R-Rapid City, said he supported the bill even though the religious leaders and public school superintendents he talked to were against it.
even god didn’t want that bill passed, moron.
First good news I’ve heard in months.
Things like this fail all the time, it just always get 10x less press than something like this being proposed. There is always a fight even if it’s not televised
They want you to believe they already have much more control than they do so you’ll comply in advance to things they actually wouldn’t have been able to force you to do. They want you to think they are unstoppable, but they get stopped all the time. They get slowed down even more often which matters a lot more than you think
By courts, which they are largely still complying with at the moment. By various workers within government standing up. By local and state governments who are fighting back and passing laws to make their actions more difficult, etc.
Good. Off the top of my head “honor thy father and mother”, and " honor the Sabbath and keep it holy" are both meaningless when you have parents traumatizing their children so much they can barely function in the real world, those parents shouldn’t be honored, they should be shot… Or at least forced into some sort of mental health facility/hospital, and Saturday is the 7th day, ya know the day god rested, not Sunday, so… That’s just been co opted entirely when Christianity and the pagan religions mixed back under emperor Constantinople, not Istanbul in this instance Emperor Constantinoples name remained unchanged.
You might enjoy Fabrizio De André’s song, “il Testamento di Tito”, or Modena City Ramblers’ excellent cover
Surprisingly good Google Translate:
You shall have no other God before me,
often made me think:
different people coming from the east
said that in the end it was the same.They believed in another different from you
and they did not hurt me.
They believed in another different from you
and they did not hurt me.
Do not name God,
do not name him in vain.
With a knife stuck in my side
I shouted my pain and his name:but maybe he was tired, maybe too busy,
and he did not listen to my pain.
But maybe he was tired, maybe too far away,
I really named him in vain.Honor your father, honor your mother
and honor their staff too,
kiss the hand that broke your nose
because you asked for a morsel:when my father’s heart stopped
I felt no pain.
When my father’s heart stopped
I felt no pain.
Remember to keep holy the holidays.
Easy for us thieves
to enter temples that regurgitate psalms
of slaves and their masterswithout ending up tied to altars
and slaughtered like animals.Without ending up tied to altars
and slaughtered like animals.The fifth says you must not steal
and perhaps I respected it
emptying, in silence, the already bulging pockets
of those who had stolen:but I, without law, stole in my name,
those others in the name of God.But I, without law, stole in my name,
those others in the name of God.Do not commit acts that are not pure
that is, do not waste the seed.
Make a woman pregnant every time you love her
so you will be a man of faith:Then the desire vanishes and the child remains
and hunger kills many.
I, perhaps, have confused pleasure and love:
but I have not created pain.The seventh says do not kill
if you want to be worthy of heaven.
Look at it today, this law of God,
three times nailed in wood:Look at the end of that Nazarene
and one thief does not die less.
Look at the end of that Nazarene
and one thief does not die less.Do not bear false witness
and help them kill a man.
They know the divine law by heart,
and they always forget forgiveness:I have perjured myself on God and on my honor
and no, I feel no pain.
I have perjured myself on God and on my honor
and no, I feel no pain.Do not covet other people’s property
do not covet their wife.
Tell those, ask the few
who have a woman and something:in other people’s beds already warm with love
I felt no pain.
Yesterday’s envy is not over:
tonight I envy your life.But now that the evening comes and the darkness
takes the pain from my eyes
and the sun slips beyond the dunes
to rape other nights:I, in seeing this man who dies,
mother, I feel pain.
In the pity that does not yield to rancor,
mother, I have learned love".Constantine build Constantinople. Otherwise, no notes.
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Your first comment and it’s this. Did you forget the password to your other troll accounts?
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Troll or not, straight to the blocklist
In what way?
Create a shitload more atheists?
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“Morally good” as defined by who? Because according to the Bible, God’s a dick. Wouldn’t look to that fairytale to seek morality.
You might want to try reading that there book you’re professing, I doubt you’re a good faith actor, if you are you’re certainly oblivious to what you’re talking about. Either way you get on my blocked list.
Bible also says:
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
I am Christian myself, but seeing other people who call themselves Christians imposing Christianity on others while they themselves not living according to our faith and then inventing excuses to justify it. I believe there’s a special place in Hell for them.
Let’s say you’re not trolling, I’ll point out 2 issues with this.
The first is that biblical morality is not what you think it is. You can find a litany of issues with this outdated “code of ethics”, for example, the Bible is not only OK with slavery, it even provides you guidance on how hard you can beat your slaves.
And the second is, do you really think it’s “your” Christianity that will be taught? Since the newly appointed head of the white house office of faith is a follower of the “prosperity” gospel, it’s much more likely fringe denominations will pervert “good” Christianity rather than the other way around.
And if you haven’t heard of the prosperity gospel, man, have you got some fun reading to do. It’s the belief that the rich are rich by virtue of God, that their wealth is a reward and a sign of their alignment with Christian principles, and that maybe if you weren’t so wrong you wouldn’t be so poor. No more of that false prophet shit like “easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle”, fuck that Jesus guy and his socialism, we’ve got a new god, and it’s name is money.
It also condones slavery. It tells you exactly how much you’re allowed to beat your slave without killing them.
Good stuff to teach children.
Or how about Lot’s daughter’s raping their father because… reasons? Gross.
Weak troll with a brand new account? It’s more likely than you think!
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Our children would be better off in the future without their heads full of lies.
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Well now I’m confused, I thought we were talking about the Bible? Who’s talking about evolution?
Bad troll
It would help your culture, which is currently allying with white supremacists to overthrow the U.S. government. I don’t think we need any more of your hateful culture in the U.S.
Eww, theocracy gross
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It absolutely does not.
Naww, belief is an action. There have been thousands of beliefs, yours will fall out of fashion as the others have.
Not in public schools. Keep your filthy smut away from children.
Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion.
Oh, good idea, which part? /s The part about the brutal indoctrination of the indiginous peoples in the new world, the part with the papacy in Rome was a bought position and caused war and strife in Europe for centuries, the crusades [checks notes] plural… “gosh yall did a lot of them”, or the more recent pedo stuff.
Which part of history of organizations and groups that use the bible as a core text should more people learn about?
(Apologies if that came off as too harsh, I have reasons to take issue with that point of view. If you want to truly debate this topic, feel free to DM me, be sure to bring your references. Also you seem to have just joined Lemmy, if you have site questions, feel free to ask as well, the community is actually quite decent.)