This is the “expectation” of success. The “reality” of success is that the people we see as succesful never did their own laundry. Even Steve Jobs, who started out in a garage, had Steve Wozniak do his laundry.
now do one where the “what it is” graphic shows a minuscule fraction of the value you generate actually goes to you, while the rest goes to the fat boardroom executives. none of whom iron their own fucking shirts
Success is receiving one ironed sock after ironing three loads of laundry for the ruling class.
Dobby is free!
Who irons clothes that fold?
It’s missing the " + slave servant doing it for me"
accurate, because business-brianed people are only capable of adhering to the status quo, rather than thinking about things and realizing that we don’t wear clothes that need ironing anymore, and that folding clothes isn’t better than simply rolling them up.
You just changed my life with the rollup thing. It must be so much more practical to get stuff out of a drawer if I don’t have to dig into a pile of folded clothes!
No no no, rolling takes forever and nothing stays rolled unless the drawer is full. The future is shelves. All my clothes are on a bookcase in my closet. Nicely and easily folded, but I can see everything always, and retrieval is easier when you can lift the stack from the side. Viva la shelves
I have a wire shelf in my room. Incredibly convenient.
yeah, i mean presumably it’s a bit less space efficient but uhh, if that’s a problem you probably need to donate some of your clothes to charity.
You overestimate my organization skills, I am able to make a mess out of 4 T-shirts and two sets of pants.
i mean same, that’s why the rollup method is great, takes… 0.34 units of effort
If you want to keep folding and still have everything accessible without digging, you can fold your items so they stand up on end. I’ve been doing it that way for years and it makes finding stuff pretty simple, and it takes up very little space.
Just throw your shirt in the dryer with a wet wash cloth for a few minutes.
Lazy mans ironing works fine.
Using dryers is such a waste of electricity though. Just hang it out in the wind. The kind of people who are going to bug you about a few wrinkles in your shirt are not worth the effort anyway.
Most wrinkles will be gone a few minutes after putting it on anyway because of body heat.
Any shirt not soft enough to not really need ironing, is too stiff to really be comfortable, imo.
Extra extra! White men on linkedin find out that reproductive labor exists!
I don’t see the relation to skin color.
Of course you don’t /s