Trump issued an executive order directing U.S. officials to prioritize refugee resettlement for Afrikaners, a White South African ethnic group.
He claimed they face racial discrimination under South Africa’s land-reform law, a claim the South African government denies.
The order also suspends U.S. aid to South Africa, affecting programs like PEPFAR, which combats HIV/AIDS.
He also cited South Africa’s legal action against Israel at the International Court of Justice as a sign of hostility toward the U.S.
Pretty sure it was President Musk who wrote this order, but OK.
He claimed they face racial discrimination under South Africa’s land-reform law
“We are attempting to undo the hundreds of years of damage caused by racist white European colonizers”
The racists: “That’s racist.”
Musk needs recruits for his new apartheid state
Really just turning the clock back a hundred years on immigration policy.
It’s going to be a long… however long this is… to live through. For those of us who live through it, at least.
If I gotta go down, I’m taking fascists with me.
I don’t want to live through it.
I don’t want to live through it.
Oh boy, do I have good news for you
I’ve had enough good news. I’m going to leave without my family because I’m the only minority that can’t pass for white and no one is helping me 😉
As a South African with Afrikaans heritage… please leave me alone.
I don’t want to be in Trump’s sights for whatever reason.
No. Best we can do is offer you a cold hamberder.
With covfefe.
Elon being the biggest freaking hypocrite in existence:
Duck chasing Musk with a knife: how did those white people get there in the first place, motherfucker?
L-O-fucking L. You can’t make this shit up, it’s so stupid.
What a very non-rasist thing to do, turns out all those conservatives that told me that Trump isn’t racist were right after all.
Hey America, you REALLY don’t want those Boers. That said, a sizable majority in South Africa might want to get rid of them. Be careful what you wish for…
Elon wants his team of nazis shipped here on the u.s. dime.
The way white refugees are treated compared to brown ones is all you need to know to be radicalised against borders.
Ukrainians I get. They’re legitimately victims of a horrible war. But now the freaking Afrikaners are being invited? For what? Being told you don’t get to keep the land your Nazi grandpa stole?
Interesting that the “quality” of the refugee suddenly doesn’t matter if they’re white.
But eggs are back to $1 a dozen, right?
Needs more brownshirts I guess