Trump won’t like it.
Post election the Bluesky userbase exploded. I think it’s at ~30 million now. I’m not making this up - recent threads can make r/politics look good. At least Reddit can be “so bad it’s good” at times. I’m often shocked how bad Bluesky threads have become. My default sort at Bluesky is by popularity and all the way down it’s comments that are bad or pathetic or whiney or some of combination of those.
There’s no there there. I couldn’t even post any of it in c/gossip. If you’ve seen one “Hurr durr Drumpft bad” post or a post in the Occupy Democrats very large font image as text format - you’ve seen them all.
Holy shit you weren’t kidding. It is bleak in there.
I will say that some threads are excellent. But it’s weird how often those people have been on Bluesky for years. For every great account like theirs there must be 1,000s (10,000s?) of new shit accounts by people that are in “Gimme like mode”. And despite making zero effort - they get the ez likes by saying something dumb or uploading a like-proven text image meme thing: “TRUMP DID THIS!”
About a 6/10 effort level on the Photoshop job, Time is going downhill. At least do a photo shoot with a body double and edit the desk and the face.