“At the Wank Mountain in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, this Wankbahn brings you to the Wankhaus on top, where there’s a Wank View observation area.
Wank Tickets cost €27, but there’s also an unlimited “Wank Leisure Pass” for €175 that’s pretty handy.”
an unlimited “Wank Leisure Pass” for €175 that’s pretty handy
Given that Austria has renamed Fucking to Fugging, Wank is probably the best you can do in that part of the world.
The mayor of Tarsdorf said that tourists were still welcome, though the local police chief emphasised that “we will not stand for the Fucking signs being removed. It may be very amusing for you British, but Fucking is simply Fucking to us. What is this big Fucking joke? It is puerile.”
Be sticky as fuck in that tho
For those that attempt to climb wank mountain, make sure to wear proper PPE, protection is important. A nice cap to cover your head is recommended. It can be quite slippery at times, so make sure to maintain a firm grip at all times.
should be paired with cumming