This is how these things disappear. They are slowly consumed by the men and children that play with them.
Have you ever seen an old nerf ball in your life?
Only once, and sadly the delicious foam was left to the mice
I saw an old Nerf football with the whistles on the side once. It got hung up in a storm drain during hurricane Irene and was completely waterlogged. I had to pass on it though cuse I don’t eat gutter water.
I think my microplastics are from drinking boiling hot garden hose water.
core memory unlocked… and i also used to bring around a milk gallon of water with me wherever i went… and reuse it
90s doctors should have been more specific when they told us to eat more greens.
“Jello is green.” -Child me
That’s macroplastics, helps break down the corn you eat.
You bite the tip off then throw it like a grenade. That’s what those are for, right?
You’re the fucking kid who bit the football?
It’s Nerf or nothin’.
On the older, non-silicone CPR models, the foam has the exact same texture as these nerf balls. How do I know? Because one of the idiots in the CPR class decided he was a real man and real men go after foam CPR model tits.
My dog had the fluffiest poops after eating one of those
Gavin, is that you?
After Gavin ate his brand new nerf football, my little one was pissed off and refused to interact with that side of the family for years
was this post made by a dog?