Brace Belden
I wish he was a guest on Chris’s show.
“Chris, it’s great to be here. I’m shocked they let me in the building and I’m actually live on MSNBC. And I have to say - I’m a big fan. I watch your show every night.”
“Well, I’m a big fan of your podcast. My wife and me do listen to every pod.”
"Yes. The premium subscription is under her maiden name."
"Holy fuck. Sorry. I mean - golly."
Sam Seder
This is that movie where that one guy is on a podcast about hiphop and starts dating a woman whose dad calls into question how a white guy can do a podcast about black culture.
The most memorable part is when the main guy takes his shoe off before kneeling down to propose so he doesn’t crease it
I like how they CGI’d the kiss at the end so Jonah Hill was never in any real danger (whitest kids u know reference)
‘oh and I’m also into MMA in case you were wondering…’
There and Back Again, the story of another MSNBC stooge
MSNBC hiring the youngest YouTuber they can find.
“The Maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most successful proletarian revolution resulting in almost perfect redistribution of land.”
Wow, this could be one of my least popular “caption this” posts ever. I thought it would be a hit. I learned my lesson - no more images that are surely photoshopped. That kills the crab.
How do you do fellow gamers
I didn’t know Zuck wore glasses.
Holy fuck I wish I was that bench right now.