Cosmic horror in a nutshell
Cosmic horror works because we really are as powerless as it tells us.
I would argue that “instantly killed in a horrifying way” is oxymoronic. I don’t care that I’ll be torn to pieces by rabid centipedes while being boiled alive in a vat of acid, as long as it’s an instantaneous death. Horrifying, maybe, to observers, but any instantaneous death makes the means irrelevant to the killed.
Not instantaneous; just too fast for you to see the trouser snake.
Maybe he’s not the only one who is horrified by it?
They do form social bonds so there is a chance a friend of his saw it happen.
Of course the meaning is horrifying to the observers and to those contemplating it.
How do you actually know instant death is painless? What if every single cell individually experiences the most horrifying pain possible?
No matter where you are on the planet, you’re never much more than 100 km away from the Kármán line. Death is (generally speaking) always just overhead.
Going by that logic, just a meter deep is a crushing death. And right where you are you could smash your head against something… which is at least also something that happens all the time, no need to look at theoretical far-away things when the boring truth is far worse.
That’s just the cat
And most modern cars are less than a second or two away from deadly speeds while driving if not already travelling at deadly speeds 😅
Don’t lots of us die falling off of toilets?
Dying on the toilet, then falling off, is common.
The poop process is a full body clench and it’s “common” for your “heart to pop” when you’re pooping.
So that’s fun.
People need to drink more water.
Vegetables are communist.
I only eat steak. I’m a carnivore, you see. I know biology says otherwise but that’s of the devil.
Just a few days ago, someone I know had to be hospitalized because of somehow slipping and smashing badly into their desk while doing normal, boring office work. From how it was described to me, I cannot help thinking sex was somehow involved, like receiving or giving oral sex from under the table maybe.
EDIT: Typing this, I was reminded of a guy who got smacked in the back of his head. Got X-rayed, everything looked normal. They kept him in the hospital for observation, though. X-ray again after an hour, a huge hematoma had evolved under his skin, pressing on the upper spine. They immediately drained it. Otherwise, it would have killed him very quickly.
You don’t have to get to the karman line to asphyxiate, the karman line is only relevant if you are trying to move faster to generate lift. The Death Zone starts at only 8 km altitude.
For your body to stay alive, a lot of things have to go right for the “engines” to keep running.
On the other hand, just a few things going wrong is all it takes to take down the overly complex Rube Goldberg machine that is your body; all being inevitable due to how entropy and randomness work in our universe.
Looks fake.
The voltage difference between the two terminals would be minimal so no current flow, the back plate should be non-conductive. The other reason is there are no scorch marks or other signs of burning.
Now if the mouse had gone between the green and yellow (where the terminal separator is); then we would see a big voltage difference.
Lmao, what make you so sure there would be minimal voltage difference???
Generally same coloured wires are at the same potential.
It is extremely bad practice to have different potentials on the same wire colours. Especially since they are in same terminal block.
I don’t know which country this picture is from, but yellow/red would be safe to assume line voltage, green would usually be earth potential.
Well bad practice meet reality. These look like relays/contactors of some sort so it’s probably a piece of equipment that who know who put it together. Got a bunch of yellow wire and building a piece of equipment that you and you alone will be servicing? Fuck it, let’s use up this wire…
Based on this picture alone your assumptions are quite dangerous and could easily lead to you or anyone reading this replacing that small mammal pictured. To think you could assume anything based on wire color in this photo is insane to me.
What do they have going on with those green wires? Since their all green why didn’t they just tie them all together with a wire nut? Same with the yellow wires! Since their the same color they must be about the same thing… But what do i know, red cars are fast.
If you want to predict based based on color be my guest, but don’t assume shit when it comes to unknown electrical boxes. Shit will fuck you up at the speed of light.
Pic could be fake for other reasons, but wire color?!?
I generally agree with the caution you are suggesting, but your tone is a bit agressive. OP was just sharing his experiences why he thinks it’s fake, and his reasoning is sound, BUT anyone who has ever worked with electricity knows never trust the person who worked on it before you.
Yeah I’m intentionally being aggressive because were not talking about mundane things like the best way to cook a Turkey or beat a video game. We’re on a public form where the reader could be anyone. If some kid stumbled on this and picked up that wire color is a good rule of thumb to use when judging differences in voltage potential I think you can imagine how catastrophic that could be.
But I’ll hop off this soap box now. I personally prefer being on the safety guys bad side, not agreeing with em.
You should read some of my other responses with regard to electricity.
Never mess with energy sources.
I work with electricity in an industrial setting, safety is paramount. I know this is a public forum, but it isn’t like Facebook or tiktok here, the average lemming has a little more age and intelligence.
Maybe I should have put a disclaimer at the bottom of my post “don’t mess with electricity kids, that shit will fuck you up”.
As a side note, there is also blue wire in the picture, this could be a 3 phase board.
If anything this is a good picture to reinforce Lock-Out Tag-Out. Generally speaking yes, but just looking at this picture I can’t tell if this is three phase or what type of power were dealing with. Additionally we don’t know the state the contactors are in, if this is industrial equipment then without more context there’s no way to know what each set does. Perhaps one of the contactors is hot while the other was shorted to ground when the mouse touched it. Maybe it’s not wired right, there’s a lot we can’t know from a picture. Also I really hope that you LOTO whenever you are working on electrical equipment.
Poor little thing. Hope it was loved by something.
That’s such a mean thing to say.
Care to explain how hoping something is loved is mean?
Because that love was lost. It’s not those who perish that suffer longest, but those who endure after.
You just wished that something, in addition to this bygone creature, also experienced loss— and, very likely, had no idea what event precipitated the disappearance of their beloved. That something would have been left wondering, to the end of its days, if its would ever return.
Sorry, but experiencing loss is a necessary part of loving and being loved. It may be that I’m getting older, or it may be that I’ve lost a LOT of loved ones, but I look at it this way:
Picture everyone you know- as a light in your life. Some of them will be brighter, and some, dimmer. Some will start dim and then brighten with time, some remain constant, and some, sadly will fade away with time.
And when the lights of these loved ones slowly begin to flicker and then fade out one by one as you age- rather than scream out at the darkness, instead, remember how lucky you were then, and are now- to have had their light in your life at all.
Love can’t exist without loss. Never deny yourself one just to spite the existence of the other. Doing so flies in the face of one of life’s most precious gifts…
That hits
Wow, I’m officially at the “Abyss staring back” part of my life now. Serves me right I guess.
Is that a Douglas Adams quote? That feels like Douglas Adams to me.
feels more like Lovecraft than Douglas Adams, tbh
Oh interesting, it does feel like one of his.
For your crimes against rodentkind, Rat Court sentences you to a handstand in the Chamber of Death.
Some say it still smells like roasted hot dogs
“Honey, did you leave the stove on?”
“I don’t think so. It’s probably the pans in the sink.”
Was this post written by F. Scott Fitzgerald? Shit reads like it was straight out of The Great Gatsby.
Yeah, I love that this person not only thought this way about this random turn of events, but then also shared his thoughts on it
For sale: One pair rubber electricians gloves, mouse sized. Never used.
What animal was this?
A mouse or rat I think
I’d say mouse, rats are way bigger and too smart to be electrocuted! 😏
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