Elon is a 14 year old trapped in a man’s body isn’t he? He wished to be big.
You ever see the trench coat pic of him? It’s like a fedora short of being a full on “that guy” stereotype.
It’s giving the same vibes as this:
This picture at least has better lighting and framing. Which is impressive, given that it seems to be a poorly propped up selfie with flash on.
The composition, the pose - this is a masterpiece!
Look, when I was a kid I had some cringe taste. I’m sure many of us did. He looks a bit old for the teenage cringe era here, though.
And a mall ninja sword
Most rich people are, especially if they grew up wealthy. They never had to face any consequences or handle real responsibility, and it shows.
They also didn’t have to develop the leadership skills that would make people want to follow them without the promise of rewards or punishment - In the words of kids nowadays, they have a permanent aura debuff.
He’s JP from Grandma’s Boy
I hear that he’s thinking about getting metal legs.
He does have an account just specifically for age play too
Don’t tell me that. Why would you tell me that?
Seemed relevant and I love to tell people fun facts. This one really isn’t all that fun though
You know how people blame art school failure for Hitler? Musk’s art school was the babyfur community
I rarely think there’s such a thing as too weird, but if you’re too weird for them then maybe you need to tone the weird down
Did he just admit to murder? I’m pretty sure that’s an admission of murder, and he intends to murder again.
Sounds like terrorism to me
It’s only terrorism if he kills himself.
I’d call that a win for society
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Seems like one of the bad immigrants
They’re eating the doges!
Silly you. Billionaires can’t be terrorists. It’s the law.
Sounds like a manchild to me
Well, of course. He’s from apartheid Africa
Remember the olden days? When you would laugh at such a (then) blog post and immediately know that that user had been hacked, because there was no way that guy would say something like this?
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
I mean, I hate musk as much as everyone here, but it’s deceptive trying to pass a one-year-old tweet as relevant to current events…
If you check the context, elon was goofing around replying to a tweet of a photo of him holding a katana: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1726989224073896365
They also removed the date. It’s quite intentionally misleading, it’s so gross.
Some of us think its weird to post this shit in any context.
I think it’s weird that simpletons thinks the context has changed enough to matter
I guess I’m a simpleton then. If one of my friends said this seriously, I’d pull them aside and let them know that it was beyond cringy and to pull it way the fuck back.
On the other hand, if the said it while obviously joking around after posting a pic of them posing with a katana or some dumb shit, I would think “lol, fucking nerd” and appreciate that they could still bring out the kid in them.
Don’t get me wrong, Elon is a reprehensible, inexcusable, disgusting, excuse for a human. But being a goofball isn’t why.
Elon is a fucking manchild and excusing gross behavior like this only encourages him. He’s the wealthiest person in the world and it stopped being acceptable for him to post this shit 300 billion dollars ago.
If he wants to act like an immature child then he can do it on an anonymous account, but doing it under his name is only feeding into his delusions.
Look at meeee! I am le epic badass and I am a completely normal person. Disregard all the misery and pain I cause in the world! Let me control the government tehe
Okay Chief.
My problem is with him having billions of dollars and causing global pain and suffering. But I guess if you think being a goofball and a man child like this is gross behavior, that’s cool too. But me and my friends are goofy man children too, so I don’t think our friend groups would mesh too well. (Bummer right?)
Fwiw, I’m not going on to platforms he bothers checking, nor am I defending him. Hell, I called him disgusting, pathetic, blah blah blah. So it’s kinda disingenuous to say I’ve done anything to encourage him. Maybe take your soapbox somewhere it matters? After all, there are Elon shills out there that need your righteous justice! (Oh, I didn’t mean that like in a cringy silly way btw, I know you are a very serious person!)
I mean don’t get me wrong, my biggest problem with Elon is that he is a billionaire raping the working class for wealth.
But this is still problematic behavior when you’re in the public eye like him. It normalizes this behavior in a way that teenage boys who worship the ground he walks on don’t need.
My display name is literally radioactive butthole and my tagline or whatever is it burns when I poop so don’t pontificate to me about how I’m too good to be an idiot on the internet. But the difference is that this account is completely anonymous and basically no one will ever see the dumb shit I post.
Seriously, if you can find a single shred of personal identifiable information like what i do or where I live or anything specific to me at all I’ll delete my account and all of my posts and comments.
I’ll pontificate whenever I want! Even when I’m damn well sure I’m wrong! (Maybe doubly so!) It’s my right as a Netizen!
But I guess we just have different opinions on what qualifies as problematic behavior for teenagers or the public to see. To be fair, I didn’t bother to verify Elon was just goofing around, but the implication is that he was. And I stand by that not being a thing I worry about. I actually think not taking yourself seriously and being able to joke around about looking edgy is even fairly healthy.
Regardless, you can rest easy knowing I don’t bother espousing my thoughts outside of this little corner of the internet and to the people I actually know. So I promise you that even if I’m wrong, the damage is minimal.
At least you can admit it to yourself.
Yeah, doomcanoe! See what you’ve done?
Thank you.
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He sounds like those 14 YOs on Reddit.
He basically is a 14 year old on reddit
Jacked up on energy drink
energy drink
they sell ketamine in beverage form now?
In other words, President Musk is confessing that he had killed, and buried people already and he’s not afraid of continuing to do so? I’m my eyes, that’s a terrorist. I’m scared.
I mean… the guy’s (poorly) quoting movies and shit these days. “Take a big step back and fuck your own face” is literally Les Grossman from Tropic Thunder, verbatim.
He doesn’t even have original thoughts. This is some Ruroni Kenshin shit, here.
Don’t ruin our good time. Let’s let the authorities know.
You silly, a “terrorist” is a poor person. Musk is rich so he can’t be one!
I call for an investigation to find this pile of bodies.
If you’re trying to use that word to hurt him, you needn’t bother.
He could pay full-time coolness coaches to teach him how to be cool and it still wouldn’t work.
coolness is all about being authentically you. you can’t be cool and trying to act cool at the same time. you can only be cool by cultivating within yourself the type of friend you’d want to hang out with. the world’s richest dickhead, meanwhile, has not cultivated within himself anything worthy of being friends with. he is purely superficial, not at all authentic. he’s a sequence of memes brought to life meant to make you think he’s part of your culture when he isn’t. interactions with him rob you of the genuine interactions you could be having with people around you, people with real thoughts and real feelings. not just some dumb amalgamation of crufty memes the rest of us moved on from.
and you know, running a major business at an executive level just isn’t very cool. Oh great you directed a team to run an extensive RFP of manufacturing materials to see if panama or the horn of africa is cheaper when shipping full containers and then you looked at the report and picked the lower number, before staying up until 4am to try and impress a 53 year old guy from China so he’d give you a 2% discount on warehouse space. So fucking cool my dude, let me write a quick rap about it.
Well, that and anyone who pays even a little bit of attention knows that he’s really fucking bad being a CEO, too. Money and ownership makes it really easy to cover up being an utter failure because you can pay smarter people to do your work for you and they can’t even talk back because you’ll fire them in a temper tantrum.
My inlaws are convinced he’s a genius. They’re basically a red hat short of being magats. We’re fucking Australian
I’d say show them all of his failures but would they even listen?
Nope. Tried that.
It’s been a while I heard of anyone thought he was a genius. It used to be common to believe so, years ago. I kind of belived it too. But it became clearer and clearer how much of a golden spoon moron he was, and now I find it’s a rarity to find those who still believe he’s a genius.
Boomers with a sunk cost fallacy
Elon, you backed out of a charity fight with Zuckerberg, because your mum told you that you’re not allowed to fight, shut the fuck up.
That his utter cowardice didn’t destroy him just shows how ridiculous people’s zealotry can be.
“the likes of which you cannot comprehend” was really painful too. he’s trying so hard to be intimidating to compensate for the fact that he’s built like a walrus with genetic defects and looks like a troglodyte. we all saw you jump around like a dipshit on stage and become the first person in history to fuck up the USA chant.
New copypasta just dropped
This sounds like those tweets from Andrew Tate about when he was fighting dream ghosts from jail.
For how long did he study the blade?
I was just thinking this is from r/im14andthisisdeep.
Can someone just fuck Elon Musk and tell him that he’s their little pog champ?
Yeah… no I wouldn’t do it either.
Sorry it’s just, there’s gotta be some way for him to get validation without rubbing his tiny penis in everyone’s face.