Ok but I think the residents have a point here.
There are no rules!!!
The council also said that in the past other decorations like Santa hats and wreaths have been added but that this was different.
“While we don’t condone the wreaths… and Santa hats, let’s stay away from adhesives, graffiti and all things that can damage the art” it said on it’s social post.
It sounds like what they don’t want is adhesive on the thing, which I’d say is probably a legit ask.
That’s exactly what someone who wants googly eyes on everything would say.
Or someone clueless about how the Internet and the human mind works.
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So far the council says it has spent $1,500 (£1,190) on removing googly eyes from seven of the eight sculptures affected.
I’ll do it for $1000!
Seriously, what is the cost involved in removing googly eyes from metal sculptures, other than wages you’d be paying anyway for the employee that cleans it up? I could buy maybe they have to use some special adhesive remover to protect it long term, but $1500 worth??
$15 an hour for the tenured groundskeeper, minimum six hour shift.
$5 depreciation for using the ladder.
$75 for health and safety
$25 an hour for the manager to answer a phone call about where the ladder was
$5 mileage on the maintenance truck.
Shit adds up.
Not to mention handling media requests, as it’s constantly in the news.
There’s no length they wouldn’t go to to prevent people from enjoying things. Next they’ll probably find the culprit and press terrorism charges on him.
alternatively they could hypothetically just remove it during routine maintenance. Also its rather unlikely that they’d really need to use the ladder- I rather doubt people are scaling sculptures to slap them on things. it’s going to be mostly in reach of the ground.
A bigger problem is that most cities and towns will have an ordinance requiring immediate removal- meant to combat graffiti; and while most cities won’t be arsed to follow the ordinance themselves when Karen calls… well, it’s just less annoying to send the dang truck on a special job.
There is a chance whoever is doing this is kind of an asshole and is sticking the eyes on with some kind of absurd adhesive that is a total pain in the ass to remove. Like a blob of some serious epoxy shit that has to be carefully chipped off or melted with solvents to avoid damaging the sculpture
But in all likelihood it’s just a hugely inflated labor cost and they’re self adhesive with something mild
For those that didn’t read the 9-sentence (plus title/captions) article, the biggest issue is damage risk from adhesives rather than anti-fun:
The council also said that in the past other decorations like Santa hats and wreaths have been added but that this was different.
“While we don’t condone the wreaths… and Santa hats, let’s stay away from adhesives, graffiti and all things that can damage the art” it said on it’s social post.
The council leader has explained that while they want the community to engage with the art and have fun, they also don’t want things to be damaged.
So stick the googly eyes onto a headband or something first I guess?
A big wad of poster putty? That’s not good long term but the city is going to have groundskeeper Wille pull them off when he sees them.
Just gonna throw this out there.
You can buy googly eyes in bulk on amazon. about 5 bucks for 2,000 in assorted sizes. Self adhesive, even.
while we’re at it you can also legally buy traffic cones
remember, folks, if you don’t obey in advance, you can get cool shit.
like golden traffic cones.
(which was added after people were doing traffic cones on statues and Glasgow just gave up and gave in.) (Non-serious issue, with a serious reminder,)
FYI, a kitchen cupboard full of cans is an excellent target for these. It’s amazingly off putting to hope the cupboard have have the contents staring back at you in silent judgement.
Extra kudos if you manage to get a friend/relative without them realising you’re a suspect.
I may have heard this before.
I certainly cannot confirm or deny its veracity….
Not at all….
If adhesive is the issue, just use rubber bands or plastic-coated wire as a hanger that won’t damage anything.
This has the same kind of energy as the swedish goat statue that always gets set on fire.
At this point they might as well turn the burning into a festive occasion.
Sorry, what?
This covers the what but not the why.
Broken link
Works fine for me
Ok, honestly, that sticker glue causes no damage to objects 24/7 exposed to the elements.
The council also said that in the past other decorations like Santa hats and wreaths have been added but that this was different.
“While we don’t condone the wreaths… and Santa hats, let’s stay away from adhesives, graffiti and all things that can damage the art” it said on it’s social post.
Btw, we don’t do punctuation anymore?
Maybe the city council should listen to the people of the city who want a fun sculpture rather than a rusty piece of shit?
did they put it on a sign somewhere? because I don’t have any googly eyes.